On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:30 PM, Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com>

> 2016-07-18 18:26 GMT+02:00 Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com>:
>> I've been meaning to get a BBB.  I looks like bit better platform for
>> an industrial controller / robotics than the Rpi - in particular its
>> Programming Realtime Unit.   Knowing someone else has one maybe I'll
>> get one now. In the back of my mind I've been considering whether its
>> PRU could be modelled as a CPU target for Slang , so Slang could be
>> re-purposed from just compiling VM, to compiling embedded programs for
>> the PRU, developed from within Pharo and loaded on the fly into the
>> PRU.
> Do you have link to BBB? (google not helps with such 3 letters).

BeagleBoneBlack.  btw here is a nice overview of the PRU...

and some videos...

cheers -ben

>> >>
>> >> When I read "Async evaluation ... does not wait for a result" I wonder
>> >> if there a particular need for the fork is used here?...
>> >>     debugger evaluateAsync: [ [1/0] fork ].
>> >>
>> >
>> > Yes, it looks strange. Now all remote requests are executed such way
>> that
>> > errors will be returned as SeamlessRemoteException and server signaller
>> > process will die. So instead of debugger with failed remote expression
>> you
>> > will see debugger with local process which performed remote message send
>> > (but in case of async evaluation no result will returned to client and
>> error
>> > will be just ignored). To escape such "exception handler" fork is
>> needed.
>> > Fork will lead to unhanded error which will ask registered remote
>> debugger
>> > to debug it.
>> Could you not just fork at the remote side?
>> Perhaps the invocation would be #evaluateFork:
> Here is screen which shows "evaluate: [1/0]":
> ​No remote stack here. And on remote side there is no waiting process.
> In future real exception semantics could be supported. In that case
> "evaluate: [1/0]" will open debugger with half stack from local process
> (doIt from workspace) and half from remote process (where ZeroDivide
> happens).
> ("debugger evaluateAsync: [1/0]" will never show any error because result
> is not supposed to be returned for async)

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