Well maybe this requires an email on its own, but I can give some information on the following points:

1) Bootstrap, Small kernel, and others:
  -  Small kernel & validated packages
  - Bootstrap of the Core
  - 64 Bits

Well, it's already some time I'm working on this so here there is an executive summary: * We already know how to and can bootstrap pharo images (that is, create a new image from scratch) since some time. * Actually, we have CI jobs dedicated to this since Pharo5. The latest versions are in here:

You'll see there we are building two different flavors of bootstrap: A minimal bootstrap that does not include Compression nor Monticello, and the default one (that is wrongly entitled Metacello in the CI job) that contains Minimal + Compression + Monticello. These are built in two versions: 32 and 64 bit images, for the respective VMs.

And they work. You can download them and play around. You have the eval command line handler and the image is capable of compiling code.

***Disclaimer***: The image works but (a) it's not fully initialized, and (b) it contains a lot of dead code. So, (a) be careful because not everything may work correctly on that image, and (b) happens because it is complicated to remodularize some parts of Pharo => this is what actually takes most of the time from us.

* We are working with Pavel and Christophe a lot on it nowadays and our short-term priorities are:
      - ensure the image initialization
      - test the bootstrap health (by running lint rulz and unit tests)
      - be able to reload the entire system on top of the bootstrap

AND THIS IS HUGE. This means we need to understand, refactor, express and maintain package dependencies for **every** Pharo package.

2) Announcements and Ephemerons
I was working on this lately. Ephemerons are already in the Image but not active. VM support seems to be ready (out of my tests). The roadmap for this is something like this: - 1. Bless the latest VM that has the Ephemeron fixes as stable (Esteban told me he was going to do it but I do not know the state of this).
    - 2. Activate Ephemerons on the image side
- 3. Replace the WeakRegistry by Ephemeron registries. => Here we need to code.

Then the other interesting question is if Ephemerons are backported or not to Pharo5. If so, we need to plan how to do it.

Then I could also put some words on the other items but I have to go to work now ^^.


-------- Original Message --------
On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 5:59 AM, Julien Delplanque <jul...@tamere.eu> wrote:
Hello everyone,

For a university project I need to write a little about Pharo.
I found the "Pharo vision" document [1] and I am curious about
the actual state of Pharo in comparison with it.

I have seen some things on the mailing list but I would like some
help to gather the state of each goal described in "Pharo vision"
version 1.0.

I made a list with the goals and wrote some of the (little) knowledge I
have about some elements (I also joined it to this mail in case it is not

Goals -> State
1.  Creation of the Pharo Consortium -> Created
2.  Small kernel & validated packages -> ?
3.  A Robust and Extensible System Events -> ?
4.  Rewrite of Filesystem/Streams -> ?/XStream?
5.  Announcements and Ephemerons -> ?
6.  UI Canvas for Zoomable Interfaces -> Bloc?
7.  Bootstrap of the Core -> ?
8.  Fully parametrized compiler tool chain -> ?
9.  Packages as real objects -> ?
10. Package Meta-Data -> PackageManifest?
11. Less Model Clutter and Duplication -> ?
12. Building and Reusing UI Logic -> Spec?
13. New Network Layer -> ?
14. Serializers -> Fuel
15. SystemChangeNotifier replacement -> ?
16. Cleaning Morphic -> Still valid? (asking because of Bloc existance)
17. Everybody should be able to compile VMs -> ?
18. VMs identification and regression testing -> ?
19. One Unified FFI framework -> Created and still being enhanced
20. 64 Bits -> I saw the screenshot on Twitter but what is the state now?
21. New Object Formats -> ?

If some of you know the state of one or many of these project and have the
time to give me some information about it/them, I would be really grateful.

Thanks in advance,


[1]: https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/30434/PharoVision.pdf
You should be able to get some answers from...
Can you fill in yourself what answers you can extract from that - for
checking, and letting people focus on where there remain gaps in your

cheers -ben

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