On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 10:57 PM, Nicolas Passerini
<npasser...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In Iceberg you currently can:
> 1) Download a project using metacello github:// protocol
> 2) Use Iceberg to make it "writable" (i.e. transform it to an Iceberg
> repository, pointing to the same remote repository), this is just one step.
> 3) Commit and push using the new repo, etc.

Thank you for all the work you are doing !
I will try to use Iceberg to made a report.

> What it is not done yet is the integration with github (or whatever) fork/pr
> capabilities, it is in the roadmap but not just now because those are not
> standard git operations, so it will involve communicating directly to the
> github rest api (and others, we will not be attached to git nor github).
> So you should add two extra steps which are forking and pull requesting from
> outside Pharo (or requesting access to the respository to commit right
> there).

Be careful to not linked too much Iceberg to github specificities.
PR are github specificities.
Branches can be transformed as PR automatically on github.

> This should be a normal flow for contributing to a tool you are using, right
> now is partially supported to be done from a git(hub) repository, I intend
> to extend it to be done also from tools installed from smalltalkhub, etc.
> Should be the same thing.
> About the discussion between commits and PRs... I've seen both models
> working right, I think that both have their advantages and I would like to
> build tools to support both schemas. Personally, I prefer to give people the
> possibility to commit, but even so I am used to work with PRs, because it
> really helps the code review. Yes you can have your own branch, and I can
> see the changes introduced by any commit, but usually is a PR that moves
> people towards looking to the code, and I think that it is a nice model that
> works well in practice.
> In other projects, you have to fork, commit there, then PR, if two people
> want to work together in an issue is not obvious how to do it... it adds
> more bureaucracy, it might be necessary for a large project like Pharo, but
> normally I prefer to avoid it.

As you know git is agnostic in terms of workflow and several workflows
have been proposed, like :
centralized workflow, feature branch workflow, etc ...
Do Iceberg will enforce some specific workflow ?
I guess workflows for Pharo-dev and others projects might be different.

Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk

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