On 8/7/16 6:06 PM, Hilaire wrote:
Regarding productivity, why not using the shortcut described in each
button tooltips (the tooltips will deserve a better text than just the
repeating of the label, but it is nice there is the shortcut mentioned)

I didn't realize that there were tooltips for those buttons ... there appears to be a bit of a delay for them to come up (on my machine) and not all of the buttons have tool tips (into, over and through) and a) I don't know how long I am supposed to wait for a tool tip to NOT show up and b) no matter how long I wait, over doesn't appear to have a tool tip (the into and through tooltips are very hard to bring up ... if I am very stubborn, I can get them to come up but I'm not sure where the magic spot is) ...

... I have to move the mouse up out of the button and then back down into the next button to see tool tips ... if you slide the mouse from button to button laterally, the tool tip never shows up ...

and finally oh yeah ... 2 of shortcuts are without a SHIFT and 3 of them require a SHIFT and into/over/through are unshifted/shifted/shifted which means that I have to contort my hand to use them --- something that I believe has been discussed before ---

The way I work, if I have my hand on the mouse I will try to use the mouse if my hand is on the keyboard I will prefer to use the keyboard ... because of screen real estate issues with the browser windows (discussed before) I end up having to have my hands on the mouse just to see what I want to see ... so telling me that the keyboard shortcuts are more productive is not necessarily a true statement ...

BTW, if I didn't love Smalltalk and Pharo, I wouldn't be chiming in here ... all of my criticisms are intended to be constructive ...

Since lack of feedback is construed to mean "love it", I've decided to let you know about the things that annoy me and hopefully I am providing enough information to give you a feel for what I think it is that actually annoys me :)


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