Hi nicolai

It is nice. I would not put the border in black.

What is needed to integrate it.


Le 10/8/16 à 16:48, Nicolai Hess a écrit :
I opened an issue

18901 <https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/18901/Highlight-message-send-selector-on-mouse-over> Highlight message send selector on mouse over

with an experimental implementation.

Just load the slice, enable the setting:
RubAbstractTextArea highlightMessageSend: true.

Now open a code editor (nautilus/MessageBrowser) and
move the mouse over a message send.

Or evaluate this code, it opens a text editor on a method, where it is difficult
to see which part of the code belongs to which method:

TextModel new beForCode; aboutToStyle:true;behavior: MorphTreeMorph;text:(MorphTreeMorph>>#drawLinesOn:) sourceCode;openWithSpec.

feedback welcome.


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