
2016-08-18 9:34 GMT+02:00 stepharo <steph...@free.fr>:

> withExtension: aString
>     "Returns a new file reference with a different file extension"
>     <exp: '/tmp/file.txt' asFileReference withExtension: 'log'
>     value: '/tmp/file.log' asFileReference >
>     ^ self withPath: (self path withExtension: aString)
> So let me know what you think.
>     - tell me that we have already test unit (yes the ones I wrote too)
>         => they do not have the same purpose

I am sorry, but I want to said it: we have tests. Why tests are not for
same purpose? (I would say they include it).

As Tudor said:

"they are way too disconnected from the code"

And this needs to be solved.
We already have nice feature in Nautilus: it shows "test icon" on covered
methods. We could extends this idea to simplify test visibility.

Proposed solution is much simpler. But how much it is practical? How many
code could use it?
For simple cases like String methods is super nice. But could you imaging
it for Seaside code? or Morphic?

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