Hi guys

We got a meeting at ESUG with all the compiler guys and james from gemstone.

Our goal is to have a full tool suite that can be parametrized by environments (so that

we can compile code in other space, or compile other code inside pharo).

I personnally started this effort one decade ago. Now the introduction

of #asClass and friend is simply destroying all our efforts. There was a discussion

in the past but we are not listened.

We will

    - packaged these extensions in a separate package

    - add rules to ban the use of such method in Pharo

    - fix all the use (again) to use the correct way to do it.

I can understand that for scripting this is easier but it cannot be at that cost and impact.

I hope that we will understand but we have to do something else than

fixing code that breaks our effort.

Stef, Marcus, Guille and Luc

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