2016-08-25 23:40 GMT+02:00 Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com>:

> Hi Nicolai,
> Thanks a lot for the feedback. Please let’s continue. See more inline.
> > On Aug 25, 2016, at 6:34 PM, Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > 2016-08-25 8:47 GMT+02:00 Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com>:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Hi Doru,
> > some questions and feedback ( I am sorry for my tone or if this sounds
> negative, it isn't meant to be)
> >
> > Over the last coupe of years Stefan Reichhart and the rest of the GT
> team worked on an implementation of examples. The work is inspired from
> previous work done by Markus Gaelli and Adrian Kuhn.
> >
> > As one of the goals of GT is to offer a live programming environment,
> >
> > Isn't this what we already have, a live programming environment, I think
> for newcomers (and maybe others) this needs to make be more clear, how is
> different, what gap are you trying to fill.
> >
> > one important issue is how to move from the static code to live objects
> as fast as possible.
> >
> > Isn't code always "static" and aren't objects always "live", how do play
> gtExamples any role in this?
> What I meant is that I want to be as little as possible in the static code
> browser. Instead I want to write code in the presence of a bounded “self”
> which happens either in a debugger or in an inspector.
> The gap that examples fill is that when I look at a static code and I have
> examples about it, I can possibly jump to those examples and code against
> their result. So, instead of coding a method about a FileReference in the
> code browser, I will code it against an instance of a FileReference. Hence,
> we make live programming easier to achieve.
> > That is why we worked on this library as a solution to provide a link
> between the static code and live objects.
> >
> > From my understanding, I think this "link" between code an objects is
> the real valuable new point. This is the great thing about gtExamples. link
> from code (the example methods itself or methods refering a class
> > to an example object/instance that can be inspected (the raw  object or
> an object specific inspector pane).
> > This is what I would consider the real step forward. You see a method
> refering to class TextModel and Nautilus or any other tool not only offers
> a method to browse all Users of this class, but too, a dedicated
> > list of "example methods" where every example has a view for this
> example instance that let the user show and interact (even for non-visual
> objects through the "evaluater pane", or just see the code creating this
> > example.
> Exactly.
> > We really miss examples, I often see questions on the mailing list
> (especially about spect) that can be explained easily with an example. And
> even worse, often the examples already exists, they just aren't as visible.
> Exactly. These examples are particularly amplified by the fact that we
> have an inspector that can provide a reacher experience through different
> views.
> > Furthermore, this examples library also enables the definition of
> assertions on the examples, and this provides the possibility of rethinking
> the way we construct tests throughout our system. Tests are great as they
> help us create live objects and then to assert live properties.
> >
> > This whole thing sounds as if Unit-Test were a good idea but not the way
> that they are used today, I strongly disagree. I don't see this as a
> "rethinking the way we construct tests", yes, we can
> > augment the current set of tests with addtional assertions on live
> objects, but this is not a replacement.
> > "Tests are great as they help us create live objects" This is not my
> only purpose for writing tests, often unit-tests cover methods and
> "private-apis" not even considered to be used on live objects. You can not
> (or I don't want to
> > ) write tests only on "finished lived objects" sometimes we need tests
> for initialiazation/private code or exception handling I don't see how we
> can offer this only by using example instances (yes your "rethinking"
> sounds like "this
> > is the better way to do tests”).
> I think there is a misunderstanding here.
> When I test, (1) I create one or more objects, (2) I assert against them
> and then (3) I potentially cleanup. At least the objects from step 1 are
> potentially interesting for documentation purposes as well. However,
> because tests are built in a completely different environment than examples
> are, and because they are not casually linked to the code they are about,
> we cannot exploit them to the maximum potential.
> The GT-Examples model offers a unification. This means that you can use
> the same mechanism for expressing both a test scenario and a documentation
> one. There is potential to be exploited here. For example, there is
> research that aims to take the all sorts of objects and try to infer types
> for code out of these. We could make this much simpler.
> I understand that this is a departure from the classic way of testing, but
> we have already expressed more than 1 thousand examples both from a
> documentation and from testing point of view, and it does seem to work.
> > However, they do not allow us to leverage the objects we create, and
> this can be a tremendous resource for understanding systems.
> >
> > In our vision, examples should be everywhere and they should be
> explicitly linked to the static code they exemplify. That is why the
> library comes with an initial integration in existing tools (such as
> Nautilus, Spotter, Inspector).
> >
> > The current solution works well and it is the result of several
> rewrites. We think that the solution is complete in terms of features, but
> there are still several things to improve and iterate on. To this end, I
> kindly ask you to take a look at it while distinguishing between the
> concrete implementation choice (e.g., the current extensive use of pragmas)
> and the conceptual benefits of the approach.
> >
> > To ease the discussion, we put together a short documentation:
> >
> > Everytime I see a gtExample method on a class I first think, shouldn't
> this go to a Help or Doc or Exampels class instead. I don't know how others
> thinks about this but this is my first impression.
> > For example, the example on your page:
> >
> > FileSystem class >> #createFileOnDisk
> >
> >      <gtExample>
> >      <
> > description: 'Create a new file or override an existing file with some
> contents. Open and close the stream safely'
> > >
> >      ^
> > FileSystem workingDirectory / 'test.txt'
> >
> >
> > writeStreamDo: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: self
> >  comment ];
> >           yourself
> >
> > Nice, now the user can see how to use FileSystem to create a file, open
> *and* close the stream safely.  But for me, this method does *not* belong
> to the FileSystem class it just not make any sense to me, to have a method
> (*in this class*) that opens and closes a stream. Even if this is just an
> example, I would put it in a doc-page or a tutorial that can execute code.
> But again , this is just my point of view.
> > I can not really explain it, having a example method on Morph or a
> widget ui or a widget model class, that opens an example morph or widget in
> the world, is for me something completly different and a valid example.
> > Having the same for the method above  - is not, at least not as
> executable code on the FileSystm class).
> I do not understand this last point.
> Just because an object does not have a visual appearance like a Morph
> does, does not make it uninteresting from an interaction point of view. The
> inspector already can provide the views. We also have the possibility of
> adding custom actions that can be installed as menu items. Even for a
> morph, I sometimes want to not look at its default appearance, but at its
> submorphs. Thus, I do not see the confusion.
> Nevertheless, the example does not have to be on the class side. It can be
> in any class you want and you can associate it with a subject. For example,
> all Roassal examples are in dedicated classes. There are hundreds of
> methods, so putting them all on the class side of a domain class would not
> work at all. We showed the example on the class side because that is a
> pattern that people used for a long time and it is a reasonable place when
> you have only a handful of examples. The rationale is that an example is a
> way to instantiate a class, so having it on the class side is not far
> fetched. Also, if you put it on the class side, you get by default the
> class as a subject for the examples it contains which is quite natural.
> >         http://gtoolkit.org/doc/Examples/examples.html
> >
> > That being said, you can get it with the full GToolkit in Pharo 6.0:
> >
> > Is this based on the recent Pharo 6.0?
> >
> > GTExamplesReleaseTests are failing for me
> Yes, these are yellow.
> > Where did you test this? I get some Object>>#name deprecation warnings
> when browsing for examples refering a class, for example on
> > class FileSystem and menu entry "Browse Examples refering FileSystem"
> (maybe a Pharo 5.0 version?)
> I tested in Pharo 6.0 (60188), but we just got a problem that was reported
> related to Epicea and Martin is looking at it.
> > The example on the examples.html side isn't actually in the image right?
> Yes, it’s not there yet.
> > The browsing examples of a package (context menu on nautilus package
> pane) does not work or I don't understand why it does not find any examples
> at all.
> > The World menu "Browse All Examples" does not contain the class
> FileSystem, although FileSystem>>gtExampleZip is a gtExample, this is
> because
> > the example method is in an extension package, should all gtExample
> methods be class extensions ? This is handled differently for different
> packages.
> Hmm. When I "Browse All Examples" I get a Nautilus with FileSystem
> class>>gtExampleZip in my image. But, indeed, in the latest GToolkit image,
> this example is missing.
> > The code pane context menu of a sendersOf Message browser is broken
> (debug menu).
> I do not understand what menu item you refer to. Could provide a
> screenshot.
> >
> > From the web-side:
> >
> > "Furthermore, Nautilus, the World-Menu, all Rub-Text-Editors as well as
> Spotter and Inspector provide access to retrieve, browse and navigate
> examples from entities within the world"
> > I can not find it, not in inspector, Rub-Text-Editors, only in Nautilus.
> In Nautilus and in RubText you get it in the GT-Examples menu (Browse
> examples with subject …).
> The Inspector is not yet there, but we are adding it.
> > And the menu entries are ... unfortunate (see screenshot), what you put
> in, the whole source as menu label?
> Hmm. Something is strange there. I get the name of a method, not the
> source code. What image are you in?

Ah, it always uses the "selected text" for building the menu label, in this
example screenshot, I 've selected the whole
Hm. But I don't know how it would find the selected method anyway.
If I selecte the method #append: and select
Browse examples with subject #append:
Browse examples with literal: #append:
it opens a browser on class Text ander there is a Text
but it does not contain #append: not as a literal or as a message send.

I did another test: select the message "asText" and choose
Browse Examples with literal #asText
It opens a browse with some more classes/example methods but
I can not see *any* relation between this example methods and the text I

> > run "run the example and return its return-value"
> >
> > debug
> > "same run, but open debugger if the example fails”
> > returnValue
> >  "the return-value"
> > Executing run/debug/inspect returnValue does not seem to make any
> different when called from nautilus. It always gives
> > an inspector on a dictionary holding the gtexample and its
> gtexampleresult (is this a bug?)
> Yes.
> > Glossary:
> > "Example: an example is a tiny stub object representing a GT-Example. It
> holds the references to its dependencies, subjects and many other entities.
> "
> > What are "many other entities" this is a bit unclear
> Icon, Label, Provider, and others that you can add through custom
> annotations if you want to. This part is not yet clear.
> > "After-method: the after-method is a method that is performed right
> after the example."
> > After the example ? I thought an example is a "tiny stub *object*", how
> can it run?
> > How it is run after I run an example for inspection, after I closed the
> inspector?
> Not yet. At this point, inspecting does not prevent triggering of the
> cleanup method, but it would certainly be interesting to get there.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> >         http://gtoolkit.org/#install
> >         (easiest is to download the ready made image for now)
> >
> > For those that are at ESUG, I will try to provide a short overview
> during the Show Us Your Project session from today.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Doru
> >
> >
> > --
> > www.tudorgirba.com
> > www.feenk.com
> >
> > "Reasonable is what we are accustomed with."
> >
> >
> >
> > <gtexample_menu.png>
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> www.feenk.com
> "No matter how many recipes we know, we still value a chef."

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