Thanks Alex!


> On Aug 28, 2016, at 5:18 AM, Aliaksei Syrel <> wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks for the example. Exactly, ability to have elements that are visible 
> but not participate in layout is very important. But first I would like to 
> describe bloc layout a bit more.
> ---------------------------------
> If you think for a second about the meaning of "layout" you would realize 
> that layout is just "the way in which the parts of something are arranged or 
> laid out". So, actually, layout is all about determining the positions of 
> elements within the parent (origin of bounds). However, real world is a bit 
> more complicated, especially when it comes to visual elements. In our world 
> we must also compute size (extent) of every element before actually laying it 
> out. Bad news is that size depends on layout type and layout constraints 
> (match parent, fit content, take exact size) that may depend rather on 
> children or parent.
> In Bloc the whole process is divided in two parts: measurement and layout. 
> They are completely separated and do not overlap.
> During measurement step we iterate over the whole tree and depending on 
> layout and constraints only compute extent of every element. For optimisation 
> purposes layout caches previous extent and if during new measurement step it 
> does not change, we stop, skipping children. There is a rule: if child's 
> constraints didn't change and if child's measurement bit is not dirty and if 
> parent's extent is the same child will have the same extent.
> Than comes layout step. Because we already measured all extents we can easily 
> determine positions within the parent, and logic is very simple.
> ---------------------------------
> Now let's think about visibility and visible: setter. What argument should it 
> be? How do we encode visibility. In Morphic it is a Boolean. However, in real 
> world it is a bit more complicated.
> Sometimes we want an element to be completely gone, it is not visible and 
> does not take any space within the parent and does not participate in layout.
> Sometimes we want an element to be hidden, it is not visible but it still 
> occupies space within the parent (it is just empty) and do participate in 
> layout.
> Sometimes we want an element to be floating, it is visible but does not 
> occupy any space and does not participate in layout. However, a floating 
> element must be measured (extent computed), we just do not want to compute 
> its position and simply let user set it manually. 
> To conclude, instead of Boolean in Bloc visibility is defined by BlVisibility 
> object.
> --------------------------------
> Floating mode is exactly what you want, Alex. It can be set easily:
> txt constraints beFloating.
> However, I just checked and it does not work. Looks like this feature was 
> removed during last iteration. I find this feature is a huge step forward, 
> but now we are many steps back :(
> Cheers,
> Alex
> On 28 August 2016 at 02:24, Alexandre Bergel <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am working on a popup support in Bloc and I am facing a problem. Consider 
> the following code:
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>         space := BlSpace new.
>         space root layout: BlLinearLayout horizontal.
>         10
>                 timesRepeat: [ | e |
>                         e := (BlRectangle new extent: 20 @ 20) asElement.
>                         e background: Color random.
>                         space root addChild: e ].
>         space root children withIndexDo: [ :e :index | e translateBy: (index 
> * 30) @ 10 ].
>         space root children do: [ :e |
>                 e
>                 addEventHandler:
>                         (BlEventHandler
>                                 on: BlMouseEnterEvent
>                                 do: [ :evt |
>                                                 | txt |
>                                                 txt := BlText new
>                                                         position: evt 
> position;
>                                                         fill: Color red;
>                                                         text: 'Hello World'.
>                                                 e parent addChild: txt ]).
>                  ].
>         space show
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> If you uncomment the second line (“space root layout:…”), then the string 
> hello world is added text to the element in which the mouse enter. With the 
> layout, the string is added at the end of the line.
> I like very much the idea of having the layout applied when elements are 
> added (even I suspect we may have scalability issues very soon), but in that 
> situation, this is not wished.
> Alexandre
> --
> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
> Alexandre Bergel
> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.

Alexandre Bergel

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