Hi All,

    we are simulating a full block Pharo image derived from Pharo 6.  On
startup we see a very sad loss of cycles due to a very slow rebuild of the
selector table in Symbol class.  Why is this done at each startup?  Here is
the stack:

  16r107154 M ByteString class(ProtoObject)>identityHash 16r786AE8: a(n)
ByteString class
  16r10716C M ByteString class(Object)>hash 16r786AE8: a(n) ByteString class
  16r10718C M ByteSymbol(String)>hash 16rE6A5C8: a(n) ByteSymbol
  16r1071B0 M WeakSet>scanForEmptySlotFor: 16r26B968: a(n) WeakSet
  16r1071DC M WeakSet>noCheckNoGrowFillFrom: 16r26B968: a(n) WeakSet
  16r1071FC M WeakSet>growTo: 16r26B968: a(n) WeakSet
  16r10721C M WeakSet>grow 16r26B968: a(n) WeakSet
  16r107234 M WeakSet(HashedCollection)>fullCheck 16r26B968: a(n) WeakSet
  16r10724C M WeakSet(HashedCollection)>atNewIndex:put: 16r26B968: a(n)
  16r107274 M WeakSet>add: 16r26B968: a(n) WeakSet
  16r107294 M [] in Symbol class>(nil) 16r1D319A8: a(n) Symbol class
  16r1072B8 M Array(SequenceableCollection)>do: 16r3C17370: a(n) Array
  16r1072E8 I CompiledMethod class(Behavior)>allInstancesDo: 16r164E260:
a(n) CompiledMethod class
  16r10730C I Symbol class>initSelectorTable 16r1D319A8: a(n) Symbol class
  16r10732C I Symbol class>selectorTable 16r1D319A8: a(n) Symbol class
  16r107350 I Symbol class>internSelector: 16r1D319A8: a(n) Symbol class
  16r10737C I CompiledMethod>selector: 16r26AB58: a(n) CompiledMethod
  16r1073A4 I IRMethod>generate: 16r25A030: a(n) IRMethod
  16r1073CC I FFICalloutMethodBuilder>generateMethodFromSpec: 16r255580:
a(n) FFICalloutMethodBuilder
  16r1073F0 I FFICalloutMethodBuilder>generate 16r255580: a(n)
  16r1030C8 I FFICalloutMethodBuilder>build: 16r255580: a(n)
  16r1030F4 I FFICalloutAPI>function:module: 16r255568: a(n) FFICalloutAPI
  16r10311C I UnixEnvironment(Object)>ffiCall:module: 16r3816180: a(n)
  16r103144 I UnixEnvironment(OSEnvironment)>getEnv: 16r3816180: a(n)
  16r103168 I UnixEnvironment(OSEnvironment)>at:ifAbsent: 16r3816180: a(n)
  16r10318C M [] in MacOSResolver>(nil) 16r241170: a(n) MacOSResolver
  16r1031A4 M FullBlockClosure(BlockClosure)>on:do: 16r2553F0: a(n)
  16r1031D0 I
16r241170: a(n) MacOSResolver
  16r1031F8 I
MacOSResolver(PlatformResolver)>directoryFromEnvVariableNamed: 16r241170:
a(n) MacOSResolver
  16r10321C I MacOSResolver>home 16r241170: a(n) MacOSResolver
  16r10323C I MacOSResolver>userLibrary 16r241170: a(n) MacOSResolver
  16r103254 M MacOSResolver>userApplicationSupport 16r241170: a(n)
  16r10326C M MacOSResolver(FileSystemResolver)>resolve: 16r241170: a(n)
  16r103288 M SystemResolver(FileSystemResolver)>unknownOrigin: 16r240D30:
a(n) SystemResolver
  16r1032A4 M SystemResolver(FileSystemResolver)>resolve: 16r240D30: a(n)
  16r1032C4 M InteractiveResolver>unknownOrigin: 16r240CF0: a(n)
  16r1032E4 M [] in InteractiveResolver>(nil) 16r240CF0: a(n)
  16r103300 M IdentityDictionary(Dictionary)>at:ifAbsent: 16r240D00: a(n)
  16r103320 M InteractiveResolver>resolve: 16r240CF0: a(n)
  16r10333C M FileLocator>resolve 16r255258: a(n) FileLocator
  16r103354 M FileLocator(AbstractFileReference)>exists 16r255258: a(n)
  16r10337C M [] in PharoFilesOpener>(nil) 16rE79FD8: a(n) PharoFilesOpener
  16r103398 M [] in PharoFilesOpener>(nil) 16rE79FD8: a(n) PharoFilesOpener
  16r1033B0 M FullBlockClosure(BlockClosure)>on:do: 16r255190: a(n)
  16r1033D0 M FullBlockClosure(BlockClosure)>ifError: 16r255190: a(n)
  16r1033EC M PharoFilesOpener>ignoreIfFail: 16rE79FD8: a(n)
  16r102188 M [] in PharoFilesOpener>(nil) 16rE79FD8: a(n) PharoFilesOpener
  16r1021AC M Array(SequenceableCollection)>do: 16r2495E8: a(n) Array
  16r1021DC I PharoFilesOpener>openSources:forImage: 16rE79FD8: a(n)
  16r102204 I PharoFilesOpener>openSources 16rE79FD8: a(n) PharoFilesOpener
  16r102228 I PharoFilesOpener>sourcesFileOrNil 16rE79FD8: a(n)
  16r10224C I SourceFileArray>ensureOpen 16r8AA128: a(n) SourceFileArray
  16r10226C I SmalltalkImage>openSourceFiles 16rA58A28: a(n) SmalltalkImage
  16r10228C I SmalltalkImage class>startUp: 16rFDA6A8: a(n) SmalltalkImage
  16r1022A8 M ClassSessionHandler>startup: 16r8B8978: a(n)
  16r1022C8 M [] in WorkingSession>(nil) 16r1A45D0: a(n) WorkingSession
  16r1022EC M [] in WorkingSession>(nil) 16r1A45D0: a(n) WorkingSession
  16r102304 M FullBlockClosure(BlockClosure)>on:do: 16r245640: a(n)
  16r102328 M [] in WorkingSession>(nil) 16r1A45D0: a(n) WorkingSession
  16r10234C M Array(SequenceableCollection)>do: 16r1A47B8: a(n) Array
  16r102370 I WorkingSession>runList:do: 16r1A45D0: a(n) WorkingSession
  16r102398 I WorkingSession>runStartup: 16r1A45D0: a(n) WorkingSession
  16r1023BC I WorkingSession>start: 16r1A45D0: a(n) WorkingSession
  16r1023E8 I SessionManager>snapshot:andQuit: 16r17AA950: a(n)

You'll see that Symbol class>selectorTable calls Symbol class>
initSelectorTable which then calls CompiledMethod
class(Behavior)>allInstancesDo: to enumerate over all methods.  This takes
a significant amount of time, even on a fast machine.  For example, on a
2.%GHz machine this takes about 70 milliseconds.  That's a /lot/ of time to
squander on startup.  And it will grow the larger the image is.

The selector table seems to be discarded on shut-down, which seems
pointless.  If one wants to recompute the table then before or after
methods are added or removed seems like a better choice, not on every image

In around 2000 we were able to startup VisualWorks images in about 40
milliseconds on the hardware available at the time.  I hope someone
reconsiders this code and a avoids recomputing the selector table on each
best, Eliot

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