
Is it possible to remember the opened images (files) in the Pharo app?

My use case is that I open an image and then I work in it, and I do something. 
And then I attend a talk, and download another image and try something out. And 
then I have to do a demo (in a fresh image). And then it turns out that I have 
some bug in my project, so I download a new image and fix it. And them I’m 
working on a new feature. And when I finish with a new feature I recall that I 
have this first image with a nice idea, and I go back to it and work a bit 
more, and it looks good, and then my mac crashes.

All images are gone, Epicea does good job on recovering lost changes, but I 
don’t know in which image it was… I started to think that other Mac apps open 
all the files/whatever in the state you left them. Would it be hard to make 
Pharo.app to memorize the opened images and launch them after crash?


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