2016-09-05 11:50 GMT+02:00 Aliaksei Syrel <alex.sy...@gmail.com>:

> Hi
> I am happy to announce the release of Sparta v1.0 for Pharo 5 and Pharo 6.
> https://github.com/syrel/Sparta/tree/v1.0
> For a moment only Linux and Mac are supported.
> It can be bootstrapped with the following script:
> Metacello new
>   baseline: 'Sparta';
>   repository: 'github://syrel/sparta:v1.0/src';
>   load: #file:core
> (on linux install 32bit libgtk-2, lingtk-3 and libstdc++)
> (script for ubuntu http://ws.stfx.eu/IEAWCUC18BH)
> Sparta is an almost stateless vector graphics API for Pharo that provides
> bindings to the Moz2D rendering backend. Moz2D is the extracted graphical
> engine from Mozilla Firefox compiled as standalone shared library together
> with the extern C bindings required to call the engine from Pharo.
> - developed with the help of Iceberg
> <https://github.com/npasserini/iceberg> (thanks!) on Github.
> - integrated into travis-ci <https://travis-ci.org/syrel/Sparta> using
> smalltalkCI <https://github.com/hpi-swa/smalltalkCI> (great job!).
> - documented using Pillar <https://github.com/pillar-markup/pillar> (so
> better!) syntax.
I tried it on linux mint 18 (32 Bit) and executing any moz-example makes
the image crashing.
I will try to find out what exactly happens or do you have an idea what is

> Cheers,
> Alex

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