On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 7:00 PM, Clément Bera <bera.clem...@gmail.com>

> Hi everyone,
> With the help of multiple people (Marcus Denker, Eliot Miranda and some
> more), I introduced over the past year multiple changes in the Pharo image
> to support the next generation VMs. It's still a work in progress, but once
> issue 19083 will be introduced the bulk of the changes will be in the Pharo
> image.
> These changes have no impact on developers only reading/writing source
> code and analysing/working with the ASTs, but may have impact with people
> working with Opal's IR, the bytecode or directly with the BlockClosure and
> CompiledMethod instances (People building frameworks like Reflectivity,
> using OpalCompiler extensions or people working on object serializers).
> Three main changes were introduced:
> - Secondary bytecode set support
> - Read-only objects
> - FullBlockClosure
> The secondary bytecode set support allows the image to run on a VM
> supporting 2 bytecode sets. Each compiled method has a flag precising which
> set it uses. This change allows the image to convert all the methods from
> one bytecode set to another one without any bootstrap (only in-image
> do-its). The SistaV1 bytecode set was introduced as the second bytecode
> set. This bytecode set removes many encoding limitations of the existing
> bytecode set, simplifies bytecode decoding and features new instructions
> (such as full block closure instructions).
> Read-only objects allows one to mark any object as read-only. Any attempt
> to mutate a read-only object (primitive operations, instance variable
> store) fails, and the programmer can handle the failures with Smalltalk
> code. This feature is present with less than 1% overhead in all of our
> benchmark suite. In the near future, we plan to have all literals read-only
> to allow more aggressive compiler optimizations and avoid literal mutation
> inconsistency bugs. This feature can also be used to build efficient object
> modification trackers and could be used to improve the performance of part
> of the Reflectivity framework. It may break your code if you mutate
> literals (Normally you don't).
> FullBlockClosures are a new implementation of BlockClosures. They allow
> efficient implementation of Blocks, with the Copying block and Clean block
> optimizations present in other Smalltalks. They simplify part of the VM,
> making Blocks more similar to methods. They also remove many dependencies
> between BlockClosure, compiled method and contexts, which will allow us to
> implement more aggressive optimizations in the VM in the future. With
> FullBlockClosures, the closure's bytecode is present in a separate object
> (an instance of compiled block) instead of being inlined in the enclosing
> method. This is still confusing some tools. The debugging support of
> FullBlockClosure seems however to be complete.
> With the issue 19083 integrated and the latest VM compiled with different
> settings than the current Pharo VM (MULTIPLEBYTECODESETS true
> bytecodeTableInitializer 
> initializeBytecodeTableForSqueakV3PlusClosuresAndSistaV1
> -DIMMUTABILITY 1), all these features seems to be working in the Pharo
> image. The goal is to get all of these features used by default before the
> Pharo 6 feature freeze in November. Alternatively I will need to wait many
> more months (or Pharo will get unstable and Esteban will scream at me 'No
> do not integrate that').
> If you worry how any of these changes can impact your frameworks, please
> answer this thread so we can analyse the potential problems.
Cool  news.  But I bet VM upgrades in not something that happens often.
Maybe an in-Image prompt would be useful to encourage people to upgrade.
How would people feel about in fresh Images having a Playground open that
asks  "To help prove stability of Sista for the next Release, please
upgrade to a Sista compatible VM as soon as practical. Evaluate the
following to check VM status..."

cheers -ben

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