On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 9:04 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 11:17 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>> greetings all,
>> This is a long way off topic, but a random chance someone in the community
>> with kids learning english may find it useful.  The past year I've had my 4yr
>> & 6yr old girls doing Reading Eggs. Its aimed at native-english children
>> ages 3-13 (starting with a test to place kids at a stimulating level).
>> Its been beneficial for my kids, so I'm forwarding this offer to the
>> community.
> There was some appreciation for this six months ago.  Another just
> arrived, so I thought I'd share it again.  In another half year I
> guess I'll get another, so if anyone doesn't want me to post again
> then, let me know.
> More background info... ABC is Australia's government sponsored
> national TV broadcaster (yay, no commercials!). They produced a web
> site to help kids literacy.  It was fantastic for my kids, although my
> 8 year old got bored with it later on, so it seems more suited for
> younger ages.

I've had no complaints (yet), and six months later another 5 week free
pass arrived.
I am a bit hesitant to continue forwarding them since its so far off topic,
but I think there is real value for my online friends.

My youngest (now 6) is starting to get a bit bored with the final 20
levels (of 120)
so again it seems to work better for the younger kids.
Non-native-english kids may differ.
btw, you don't need the book packs. They are all included in the online app.

cheers -ben

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