fwiw when i redid that #testIfCompletelyBroken i noticed a sort of bug in that new #round: - well, i think its a feature -, but i should probably mention it nevertheless:
1.15 round:1. "1.1"    "down"
1.25 round:1. "1.3"    "up"
1.35 round:1. "1.4"    "up"
1.45 round:1. "1.4"    "down"
1.55 round:1. "1.6"    "up"
1.65 round:1. "1.6"    "down"
btw the same happens with #printShowingDecimalPlaces: (which is unchanged, happens eg also in 4.0).

if one wants to change this to the normal behaviour, i'd guess one could do it perhaps by using #asMinimalDecimalFraction instead of #asFraction in #round:

i have to admit that i have no problems at all with this idiosyncrasy and would _not use #asMinimalDecimalFraction in #round: for these reasons: 1. i see it as a poor mans round-to-even (this bankers rounding is done so that the sum of rounded numbers does not have an upward bias in relation to the sum of the original unrounded numbers). 2. although i havent tested it, i assume #asMinimalDecimalFraction is noticeably slower than #asFraction, because the former one has to use a #whileFalse: iteration. 3. round-to-even imprints a definite structure on eg random-numbers, the structure of the new #round: is at least less simple & does not produce too many even decimals, insofar it's even a rich mans round-to-even (in a way a non-random, hence repeatable, stochastic rounding). normal rounding of course introduces an even less wanted upward bias. But <stupid grin> perhaps somebody else wants to have a more predictable behaviour of #round:?

On 11/04/2016 10:26 PM, werner kassens wrote:
Hi Stephane,
i uploaded a SLICE-Issue-15471-Cant-round-Float-fmax-to-2-decimal-places-WernerKassens.2 to the inbox with these changes: i corrected RandomTest>>testIfCompletelyBroken, completed tests with some border cases and the usual specifications, and added your comment to Float>>round:.

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