
I have a problem in an application, I need to print some numbers with 2
decimals max. The numbers can be an Integer, Float or Fraction. I
checked and found Number>>#printShowingDecimalPlaces:. This is cool but
this is not what I want because when I get "10", I want to print "10"
and not "10.00".

So I created a method Number>>#printShowingMaxDecimalPlaces: to do so.
At first I made a mistake and I was not the only one. To avoid this kind
of mistakes I think this method should be in Pharo by default. This is
really useful when building a GUI.

This method already exists in Squeak.

I want to ask to the list, do you think this method should make it in
the image? I think this is important but I also know that people do not
want to have too much things in the kernel.

So, do you think this is important enough or not?

Cyril Ferlicot


2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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