An announce from Inria CI service:

> Début du message réexpédié :
> De: Bruno Carrez <>
> Objet: [ci-announces] [Important] About Jenkins 2.x support
> Date: 15 novembre 2016 11:21:31 UTC+1
> À:
> Répondre à: Bruno Carrez <>
> Dear CI users,
> Jenkins 2.x is around the corner for some time now; however it is not yet 
> well supported by the Inria Continuous Integration service.
> It is STONGLY RECOMMENDED NOT TO UPDATE your Jenkins instances to 2.x 
> versions for now. It is likely to screw your Jenkins configuration. 
> As for for new ci projects, Jenkins 2.x instance creation is not yet well 
> supported!
> However, the Inria CI team is working on it and a beta support for Jenkins 
> 2.x may arrive soon. Please, be patient. 
> Best regards,
> The CI team.

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