
There’s a punycode implementation on smalltalkhub 
<!/~dTriangle/Punycode>) but it needs some polishing.

Should I open an issue on FogBugz so we don’t forget?


> On 23 Nov 2016, at 15:00, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> wrote:
> Max,
>> On 23 Nov 2016, at 14:34, Max Leske <> wrote:
>> Hi (Sven),
>> Zinc can’t currently handle unicode domain names (e.g. http://ü Are 
>> there any plans to implement punycode / IDNA conversion for Zinc? Or is 
>> there an explicit reason not to support it? I see that #parseHostPort: 
>> expects the host portion to be percent escaped, what is the use case for 
>> this? I have never seen a percent escaped host portion. Usually the host 
>> portion is either pure ASCII, unicode or punycode (in my experience at 
>> least).
>> Just curious, as I just added IDNA conversion to one of our applications (I 
>> just let python perform the conversion: 
>> Cheers,
>> Max
> Yes, that would be nice to have.
> Just for future reference, we are talking about the following (IDN(A)):
> Normal DNS hostnames are ASCII only (or used to be like that anyway), that is 
> why it is (currently) implemented like that.
> Sven

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