Hi Guys - how is the best way to report website and text bugs?

As I know the English is not always a first language (and you guys are busy 
writing code anyway) - its up to us native English speakers to chip in where we 

I was pleased to get the notice that on OSX Sierra I need to do something extra 
to get Pharo to work, however the text could be slightly corrected eg. (Bolded 
words changed)

Are you using macOS Sierra?
Due to changes in security policies of macOS, you will need to put the VM in 
the  /Applications folder.
We are working to fix this temporary inconvenience.

Also - the Hello world command line example on the front page doesn’t work on a 
standard Terminal on a Mac (you get an error:

$ ./pharo Pharo.image eval "Stdio stdout << 'Hello,World!'"
-bash: !'": event not found

The culprit is of course the “!” Character so a better example might be:

$ ./pharo Pharo.image eval "Stdio stdout << 'Hello World'"
Hello WorldStdioStream: 'stdout'

Although, in this case, is it expected that the return string is merged with 
some other output text (e.g. the StdioStream:….?). I think its an impressive 
example, but it just doesn’t quite look right?


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