Hi, I’m trying to use methinks on message nodes that are executed before the 
node itself and have receiver and the node as arguments. But sadly I’m getting 
’stack underflow’ error when the annotated method is executed. You can use this 
code snippet to reproduce the error:

| link class |

link := MetaLink new
        metaObject: [ :v1 :v2 | ];
        control: #before;
        selector: #value:value:;
        arguments: #(receiver node).

class := Object newAnonymousSubclass.
class compile: 'method 1+1'.
(class >> #method) ast statements first link: link.

class new method.

link uninstall

Is there any workaround for this issue? Or maybe someone knows how to fix this. 
Because the issue is present both in Pharo 5 and the latest Pharo 6.


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