On Tue, 29 Nov 2016 00:57:36 +0100, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:

Hi Guys - how is the best way to report website and text bugs?

As I know the English is not always a first language (and you guys are busy writing code anyway) - its up to us native English speakers >to chip in where we can.

Thank you for this take :)

I was pleased to get the notice that on OSX Sierra I need to do something extra to get Pharo to work, however the text could be slightly >corrected eg. (Bolded words changed)

Are you using macOS Sierra?
Due to changes in security policies of macOS, you will need to put the VM in the /Applications folder.
We are working to fix this temporary inconvenience.

Also - the Hello world command line example on the front page doesn’t work on a standard Terminal on a Mac (you get an error:

$ ./pharo Pharo.image eval "Stdio stdout << 'Hello,World!'"
-bash: !'": event not found

The culprit is of course the “!” Character so a better example might be:

$ ./pharo Pharo.image eval "Stdio stdout << 'Hello World'"
Hello WorldStdioStream: 'stdout'

Although, in this case, is it expected that the return string is merged with some other output text >(e.g. the StdioStream:….?). I think its an impressive example, but it just doesn’t quite look right?


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