On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 08:12:29AM +0800, Ben Coman wrote:
> Can yo point to where you added you workaround?

The fix is a single line, because I hate myself.

interpreterProxy failed ifTrue:[^nil].


To give you more info:

The problem is that memory of canvas forms are not properly pinned, so during 
garbage collection the form is being moved, but if at the same time the canvas 
form is being updated and moved, you are accessing wrong memory -> crash.

My fix will return prematurely if an error occurs and throws PrimitiveFailed in 
the image before any wrong memory is accessed. On Roassal side the 
PrimitiveFailed is catched and a paint cycle is skipped --- this is good 
enough, as it results only in ocassional flicker that immediately fixes itself 
instead of crashing the image.

It seems that on Mac there are also other places in the BitBlt code where the 
surface is being accessed without a check.

Also be careful not to be misled by the crash dump stack. It took me quite a 
while to figure out that GrafPort is already operating on wrong data, so it's 
not GrafPort's fault, but BitBlt's; of course both should possibly be 
investigated with respect to the mac crash.

Final note, personally I found it much easier the debug and manipulate the 
resulting C code (and recompiling just that), then to modify the Slang code and 
rebuild the source code and recompile it all (but again, I don't know what is 
the proper way to work with the VM code).

I used this script to trigger the crash 
As the crash depends on memory consumption and "proper" garbage collection 
cycle, it wasn't the easiest to reproduce, however the script above usually 
managed to crash it. Having a more reliable way would be nice, but simply 
triggering GC (nor full GC) wasn't enough because the memory wasn't in the 
"right" state.


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