Thanks Esteban. This is interesting to tune in on whats happening in vm and
cheers -ben

On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 4:00 PM, <> wrote:

> Hello!
> This is my weekly ChangeLog, from 16 January 2017 to 22 January 2017.
> You can see it in a better format by going here:
> ChangeLog
> =========
> 20 January 2017:
> ----------------
>   * I'm still fixing a couple of final failing tests on iceberg,
>     multi-remotes branch. Problem is that there are still somethings to
> understand
>     on the "command line
>     backend" (we need to find a better name for this), and the #pushTo:
> method: if I
>     do it as I
>     think is correct, a couple of failing tests appear... but then, I need
> to
>     reflect if this is
>     a problem on the functionality or on the tests.
> 19 January 2017:
> ----------------
>   * I think I finally got the problem with FT2Plugin!
>     Yesterday night talking in slack I realised that there was actually
> duplicated
>     instances of
>     FT2Handle hierarchy with exactly same handle  (pointer address). This,
> of
>     course, causes a double free when those instances are released... and
>     that's the VM crash :)
>     So I quickly sketched a workaround, that you can see here:
>     FT2Handle&gt;&gt;pvtDestroyHandle
>     "This should only be sent from the finalizer.
>     It runs inside a mutex because in strange cases it can happen that
> this is
>     executed twice,
>     causing a primitiveFailed to be raised."
>     self class destroyMutex critical: [ | handleToRelease |
>     self isValid ifFalse: [ ^self ].
>     handleToRelease := self handle copy.
>     self primDestroyHandle.
>     "This is super-ugly, but it will prevent duplicated handles to be
> released"
>     FT2Handle allSubInstancesDo: [ :each |
>     (handleToRelease = each handle) ifTrue: [ each beNull ] ] ]
>     and so far nobody who is testing it crashed!
>     This can be important, but of course... now we need to realise why the
>     duplicated instances are happening.
>   * I spent some time preparing a new way to annoy people :)
>     I prepared a way to send a digest mail about my activity (this stream)
> to
>     pharo-dev list.
>     I hope it will not be too much.
> 18 January 2017:
> ----------------
>   * ... and still some more work on iceberg, this time making some test
>     pass on the command line backend (who is just a fallback, but well...
> we still
>     need it around).
>   * Still working on UFFI 64bits. Now I introduced a new hierarchy,
> FFIArchitecture
>     for now with two children:
>     * FFI_i386
>     * FFI_x86_64
>     the purpose is obvious: to allow UFFI to handle differences between
> different
>     architectures (for example,
>     long has to be parsed to FFIInt32 in i386 and to FFIInt64 in x86_64).
> 17 January 2017:
> ----------------
>   * I'm working on the UFFI support for 64bits.
>     In general, it works fine, but there is a huge problem with
> structures. What's
>     this problem? Well, let's take
>     this simple structure as example:
>     struct point {
>     unsigned long x;
>     unsigned long y;
>     }
>     Well, thing is in 32bits sizeof(struct point) = 8 while in 64bits
> sizeof(struct
>     point) = 16, and of
>     course this breaks our current implementation which would be something
> like this
>     StructPoint&gt;&gt;x
>     ^ handle unsignedLongAt: 1
>     StructPoint&gt;&gt;y
>     ^ handle unsignedLongAt: 5
>     and of course, this is not correct for 64bits.
>     My solution is quite simple, instead hardcoding the field offsets, I
> store those
>     values into class variables
>     that can be calculated each session (but just once).
>     So, this structure would end looking like this:
>     StructPoint&gt;&gt;x
>     ^ handle unsignedLongAt: OFFSET_X
>     StructPoint&gt;&gt;y
>     ^ handle unsignedLongAt: OFFSET_Y
>     this would solve the problem for most of the cases, but there is still
> the issue
>     that emerges when complete
>     implementation of the struct changes between platforms. I'm planning to
>     implement a strategy pattern to solve
>     this, but not yet (probably I will wait until having a concrete case).
>     This seems to be working, but now I have other problems not related to
>     many people has implemented
>     void * parameters of funtions as unsigned long (including me, time
> ago) which
>     was correct in 32bits but
>     it is not in 64bits. So now I need to review this implementations to
> see where a
>     fix is needed.
>     But this is not directly a problem of UFFI, I think.
>   * I worked with Nico on fixing libgit2 backend tests for iceberg.
>     Now (more thanks to Nico than me, heh), test for multi-remotes branch
> are
>     passing for linux but
>     still not for macOS (and forget it about Pharo 5.0).
>     I suspect a problem with VM, I need to review if I can configure
> smalltalkci
>     to work with latest vm instead stable.
> 15 January 2017:
> ----------------
>   * ... and now I restored the posix permissions to windows platform. Next
> latest VM
>     will have this change, I
>     hope that will end the problems with FilePlugin, but we'll see.
>   * I just fixed a problem with FilePlugin on macOS: the problem was when
>     determining if a symlink is also a
>     directory:
>     ‘/tmp’ asFileReference isDirectory
>     was answering false, because it is a symlink and when trying to
> resolve the
>     symlink to obtain the
>     attributes, there was a cyclic condition that was transforming ‘/tmp’
> into
>     ‘/private/tmp’ and then
>     back to ‘/tmp’, and because of that the test for directory was failing.
> cheers!
> Esteban

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