Just curious what the magic numbers here relate to...
and can they be factored out to a meaningful method name?

"This is a helper method that returns a collection of
variable_name -> value
for the current object.
Subclasses can override it to specialize what appears in the variables
| bindings |
bindings := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: (self basicSize min: 21) do: [ :index |
bindings add: (index "asString""asTwoCharacterString" -> (self basicAt:
index)) ].
((self basicSize - 20) max: 22) to: (self basicSize) do: [ :index | "self
haltIf: [ index = 99 ]."
bindings add: (index "asString" -> (self basicAt: index)) ].
addAll: ((self class allSlots
collect: [ :slot | slot name -> (slot read: self) ]) sort
^ bindings

cheers -ben

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