
We are looking at it with Santi. I see in the log that you're using an
ubuntu 12?

I tried in a debian jessie and Santi in an ubuntu 14 and we could not
reproduce it. Also the travis ci of scale uses ubuntu 12 and the
installation works in there...

Could you give more details about your system?

Guille and Santi

On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 8:43 AM, Clément Bera <bera.clem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Andrey,
> Thanks for providing both a way to reproduce and the log so we can have
> you machine details. I see that the VM was compiled from build #589 on
> jenkins with VMMaker.oscog-eem.1855 and you're on Linux using x86 back-end.
> Scale works only on Linux and when I try the wget command from Mac it does
> not work so I can't reproduce right now.
> I suggest that for now you try to use one of the newer VMs (from
> http://files.pharo.org/vm/pharo-spur32/linux/ , you're
> using stable-20160504.zip, pick another one, I suggest a more recent one
> than from May last year, either stable-20160623.zip
> or pharo-linux-i386itimer-201702061308-aa78f27.zip) and then use the
> "classic installation" to be able to use another VM than the one downloaded
> by the wget script until someone can have a look into your problem.
> Best,
> Clement
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 8:00 AM, Stephane Ducasse <stepharo.s...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi andrey
>> can you tell us on which OS and version and which VM do you use (there is
>> a System report browser where you can find the information.
>> Tx
>> On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 8:20 PM, Andrey Tykhonov <atykho...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all!
>>> While executing the following command:
>>> $ wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guillep/Scale/master/setup
>>> Scale.sh | sudo bash > stderr.log
>>> I got the Segmentation fault error. You can see it in the contents of
>>> stderr.log which is attached to the email. Here you can see the
>>> output of the mentioned command:
>>> ```
>>> --2017-02-03 19:35:16--  https://raw.githubusercontent
>>> .com/guillep/Scale/master/setupScale.sh
>>> Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com...,,
>>>, ...
>>> Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com||:443...
>>> connected.
>>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
>>> Length: 1021 [text/plain]
>>> Saving to: ‘STDOUT’
>>> -                                 100%[=========================
>>> ====================================>]    1021  --.-KB/s    in 0s
>>> 2017-02-03 19:35:16 (274 MB/s) - written to stdout [1021/1021]
>>> Cloning into '/tmp/scale'...
>>> remote: Counting objects: 1457, done.
>>> remote: Total 1457 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1457
>>> Receiving objects: 100% (1457/1457), 656.60 KiB | 714.00 KiB/s, done.
>>> Resolving deltas: 100% (799/799), done.
>>> Note: checking out 'f70fdb90cf66d443140b6fe84cad9848163bf32e'.
>>> You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
>>> changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
>>> state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
>>> If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
>>> do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again.
>>> Example:
>>>   git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
>>> --2017-02-03 19:35:18--  http://get.pharo.org/50+vm
>>> Resolving get.pharo.org...
>>> Connecting to get.pharo.org||:80... connected.
>>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
>>> Length: 2901 (2.8K) [text/html]
>>> Saving to: ‘STDOUT’
>>> -                                 100%[=========================
>>> ====================================>]   2.83K  --.-KB/s    in 0.001s
>>> 2017-02-03 19:35:18 (3.56 MB/s) - written to stdout [2901/2901]
>>> Downloading the latest 50 Image:
>>>     http://files.pharo.org/get-files/50/pharo.zip
>>> Downloading the latest pharoVM:
>>>         http://files.pharo.org/get-files/50/pharo-linux-stable.zip
>>> Downloading PharoV50.sources:
>>>         http://files.pharo.org/get-files/50/sources.zip
>>> Creating starter scripts pharo and pharo-ui
>>> Fetched -> BaselineOfScale-SantiagoBragagnolo.4 ---
>>> filetree:///tmp/scale/src [:] --- filetree:///tmp/scale/src./pharo:
>>> line 11: 19176 Aborted                 "$DIR"/"pharo-vm/pharo" --nodisplay
>>> "$@"
>>> Syntax Error on line 26: 'Unmatched '' in string literal. ->'
>>> =============================================================
>>> 01: | scapeParentDirectory pharoParentDirectory scaleX scaleuiX |
>>> 02:
>>> 03: system stdout << 'Uninstalling scale' << String cr.
>>> 04:
>>> 05: system saveImageAs: #/ asFileReference / #tmp / #'uninstall.image'.
>>> 06: " The image must be stored elsewhere for deleting all the files "
>>> 07:
>>> 08: scaleX := '/usr/local/bin/scale' asFileReference.
>>> 09: scaleX exists ifTrue: [ system call: ' rm  ', scaleX fullName  ].
>>> 10: system stdout << 'Uninstalling executable scale' << String cr ;
>>> flush.
>>> 11:
>>> 12: scaleuiX:='/usr/local/bin/scale-ui' asFileReference.
>>> 13: scaleuiX exists ifTrue: [ system call: ' rm  ', scaleuiX fullName  ].
>>> 14: system stdout << 'Uninstalling executable scale-ui' << String cr ;
>>> flush.
>>> 15:
>>> 16: scapeParentDirectory := '/usr/local/scale' asFileReference.
>>> 17: pharoParentDirectory := '/usr/local/pharo' asFileReference.
>>> 18:
>>> 19: scapeParentDirectory exists ifTrue: [ system call: ' rm -rf ',
>>> scapeParentDirectory fullName  ].
>>> 20: system stdout << 'Removing scale folder' << String cr ; flush.
>>> 21:
>>> 22: pharoParentDirectory exists ifTrue: [  system call: ' rm -rf ',
>>> pharoParentDirectory fullName ].
>>> 23: system stdout << 'Removing pharo folder' << String cr ; flush.
>>> 24:
>>> 25:
>>> 26: system stdout << 'Done
>>>                          _^_
>>> Syntax Error on line 39: 'Unmatched '' in string literal. ->'
>>> =============================================================
>>> 01: | scaleParentDirectory scaleFile scaleUIFile pharoParentDirectory|
>>> 02:
>>> 03: " DEPLOY "
>>> 04: system stdout << 'Deploying scale command';cr.
>>> 05:
>>> 06: scaleParentDirectory := '/usr/local/scale' asFileReference.
>>> 07:
>>> 08: scaleParentDirectory exists
>>> 09: ifTrue: [
>>> 10:     system stderr << 'There is already an installation. Please
>>> uninstall before'
>>> 11: ] ifFalse: [
>>> 12:     scaleParentDirectory ensureCreateDirectory.
>>> 13:     scaleFile := scaleParentDirectory  / 'scale'.
>>> 14:     scaleUIFile := scaleParentDirectory / 'scale-ui'.
>>> 15:     system workingDirectory / '..' / 'scale'  copyTo: scaleFile.
>>> 16:     system workingDirectory / '..' / 'scale-ui'  copyTo: scaleUIFile.
>>> 17:   system workingDirectory / '..' / #build / 'uninstall.st' copyTo:
>>> scaleParentDirectory / 'uninstall.st'.
>>> 18:     system stdout << 'Deploying Pharo';cr.
>>> 19:
>>> 20:     pharoParentDirectory := '/usr/local/pharo' asFileReference.
>>> 21:     pharoParentDirectory ensureCreateDirectory.
>>> 22:     #( 'pharo' 'pharo-vm' 'pharo-ui')
>>> 23:             do: [ :file | system workingDirectory / file  copyAllTo:
>>> pharoParentDirectory / file ].
>>> 24:
>>> 25:     #( 'Pharo.image' 'Pharo.changes')
>>> 26:             do: [ :file | system workingDirectory / file  copyAllTo:
>>> scaleParentDirectory / file ].
>>> 27:
>>> 28:
>>> 29:     system stdout << 'Giving permissions to run';cr.
>>> 30:
>>> 31:     system call: 'chmod +x ', (pharoParentDirectory / 'pharo')
>>> fullName.
>>> 32:     system call: 'chmod +x ', (pharoParentDirectory / 'pharo-ui')
>>> fullName.
>>> 33:     system call: 'chmod +x ', (pharoParentDirectory /
>>> 'pharo-vm/pharo') fullName.
>>> 34:   system call: 'chmod +x ', (scaleParentDirectory / 'uninstall.st')
>>> fullName.
>>> 35:     system call: 'chmod +x ', scaleFile fullName.
>>> 36:     system call: 'chmod +x ', scaleUIFile fullName.
>>> 37:     system ln: scaleFile to: '/usr/local/bin/scale' asFileReference.
>>> 38:     system ln: scaleUIFile to: '/usr/local/bin/scale-ui'
>>> asFileReference.
>>> 39:     system stdout << 'Done
>>>                           _^_
>>> ```
>>> Could you please help me find a workaround in order to bypass this issue?
>>> Thank you in advance!
>>> --
>>> Andriy

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