On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 11:33 AM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 10:21 AM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
>> Or maybe it [Stack] would be better as a tab of thisContext's next pane.
> Actually you can try this now...
> Context>>stackValueMap
> | stackValues stackDepth|
> stackValues := OrderedCollection new.
> stackDepth := self basicSize min: 21.
> (stackDepth to: 1 by: -1) do: [ :index |
> |key|
> key := (index = stackDepth) ifTrue: ['Top'] ifFalse: [(stackDepth - index
> 1) asString].
> stackValues add: (key -> (self basicAt: index))
> ].
> ^stackValues
> Context>>gtInspectorStackValuesIn: composite
> <gtInspectorPresentationOrder: 40>
> | stackValues |
> stackValues := self stackValues.
> ^ (composite table)
> title: 'Stack';
> display: [ self stackValueMap ];
> column: 'Depth' evaluated: [ :assoc | assoc key ] width: 50;
> column: 'Item' evaluated: [ :assoc | GTObjectPrinter new
> asTruncatedTextFrom: assoc value ]
> I'm not sure whether the #stackValueMap is an appropriate name. Perhaps it
> should be #methodStackValueMap or something else?  Similar for the tab

A couple of times already I've missed not having this in fresh Images.
Since its simple and low impact I hoping to add it for Pharo 6,
but I'd like to check the semantics are right

As a comparison, what I understand of C lang is
it has only one stack (per thread) for:
* execution flow return to caller's next statement
* function parameters
* function local variables
So C kind of combines call stack and variable stack..

In Pharo, the top pane of the debugger shows a stack of Contexts
as returned by "thisContext stack" which is effectively is for
* execution flow return to caller's next statement
And from what I learnt writing #stackValueMap above it seems ,
that each Context has its own stack for:
* function parameters
* function local variables
* calculations / parameter marshalling for message sends

So how should the second stack be referred to? Any of the following?
* methodStackValues?
* contextStackValues?
* valueStack?
* stackValues?

and btw I wonder if Context>>stack
would be better named Context>>callStack

Here is my current refinement of the methods...

| stackValues stackDepth|
stackValues := OrderedCollection new.
stackDepth := self basicSize min: 21.
(stackDepth to: 1 by: -1) do: [ :index |
stackValues add: (self basicAt: index)

<gtInspectorPresentationOrder: 30>
stackValues := self stackValues.
^ composite table
title: 'Value Stack';
display: [ :aCollection | [(1 to: stackValues size) collect: [ :index |
index -> (stackValues at: index) ]] on:Error do:[#()]];
column: 'Index' evaluated: [ :assoc | (assoc key = 1 ifTrue: ['Top']
ifFalse: [ assoc key asString ])] width: 50;
column: 'Item' evaluated: [ :assoc | GTObjectPrinter new
asTruncatedTextFrom: assoc value ];
send: [ :result |
result isNil
ifTrue: [ nil ]
ifFalse: [ result value size = 1
ifTrue: [result anyOne value]
ifFalse: [self species withAll: (result collect: [:each | each value])]]];
showOnly: 50

cheers -ben

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