
Good catch. Indeed GLMAction>>#shortcutAsString should go to the keymap object.

Apart from the inconsistencies that you mention, there is in my view
another one. For example, in the debugger in the context menu of the
stack modifiers are displayed using special characters (at least on
mac). In tooltips they are display using Shift, Meta, Ctrl, etc.
Right now the logic for printing shortcuts that way is in
ToggleMenuItemShortcut>>#owner:keyText: and it's a bit complicated to
reuse. See GTSpotterCategoryTitleBrick>>#setShortcutBrickTextFor: for
an example.


On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 11:32 AM, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:
> Hi,
> While writing these tooltips for the debugger, it seems to me some
> refactoring is needed in the use of Pharo shortcut:
> https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/19684/GLMAction-and-PharoShortcut-need-refactoring
> because the current situation to have Glamour tk rendering short cut as
> 'Ctrl-A' then Spec as 'Meta-A'
> Any opinion on the topic.
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu

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