On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 9:42 PM, Rajula Vineet <vineet.re...@iiitb.org>

> Hi,
> I am interested in this issue. Maybe I will try adding this feature of a
> pop
> up when an image crashes, which asks 'do you want to recover your lost
> changes?'
> Rajula
Give it a go.

For approach, use "World menu > Tools > Finder > Source"
searching for the window title "Lost Changes Detected".
Drop a "self halt" at the top of that method.
Save the Image, then change any random method and Quit the image.
Next startup a debugger should open in the appropriate spot.


However a side question is, when someone goes "World menu > Quit"
should that be taken to mean they are throwing away outstanding changes?


Something else, I went to test previous behaviour of Lost Changes in Pharo
and I'm confounded by this behaviour.

1. Downloaded and uznipped
2. From the command line, ran ./pharo
3. Opened System Browser on random method EllipseMorph>>closestPointTo:
4. Appended "aPoint + 0@0" and saved method.
5. Save&Quit Image, then re-opened Image

6. Changed 0@0 to 1@1.
7. At the command line, hit <CTRL-C> to crash-stop the image
8. Re-open image
==> Expect "Lost Changes" dialog but there is none.
Do I misremember the expected behaviour?

This is the same with...

cheers -ben

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