Hi Ben, true.

This happens because of this line:

"create a new session object if we're booting"
isImageStarting ifTrue: [ self installNewSession ].

in SessionManager>>snapshot:andQuit:

I'd say we should not change this now, but we should fix it for pharo 7.

On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 6:15 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:

> hi Guille,
> Thanks very much for that detailed write up.  I have one concern about the
> [bracketed] text...
>    A new session starts when the image starts [or when the image is saved].
>    A session ends when the image quits [or it is saved].
> Doing the following in a playground...
>     s1 := SessionManager default currentSession.
>     "Save image without quitting"
>     s2 := SessionManager default currentSession.
>     "Save and quit image, then after reloading..."
>     s3 := SessionManager default currentSession.
>     s1 == s2.  "==> true"
>     s2 == s3.  "==> false"
> So it seems a new session does not start when the image is saved.
> With that in minds, can you review my proposed modifications...
> https://www.diffchecker.com/FUWg5J8t
> cheers -ben
> On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 5:41 PM, Guillermo Polito <
> guillermopol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I took some minutes to write down a class comment for the SessionManager
>> class. There was an issue asking for it:
>> https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/19463/Improve-SessionManag
>> er-class-comment
>> Since it is an important topic, and sometimes too low level for some
>> people, I'd like to have some feedback. Is it well explained? Is there
>> something that is key for you and is missing?
>> I know that the comment is not exhaustive, it can be iterated and
>> enhanced, but we can have a nice first version of it for the release.
>> Thanks,
>> Guille
>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>> I am the object responsible of managing how sessions work in Pharo.
>> A session defines the boundaries of work in the image.
>> A new session starts when the image starts or when the image is saved.
>> A session ends when the image quits or it is saved.
>> There is only one active session at a single point of time.
>> Saving the image causes the active to stop, and starts a new session.
>> The current active session is hold by myself, the singleton session
>> manager. It can be accessed by doing:
>>   SessionManager default currentSession.
>> The most important responsibility of the session manager is to manage how
>> resources and services in the image are started up and shut down at the
>> beginning and end of a session respectively. For example, when the image
>> starts, several initialization routines should be executed to make sure
>> that the image has access to the graphic drivers, the standard input/output
>> file descriptors and so on.
>> Such initialization happens in the #snapshot:andQuit: method.
>> #snapshot:andQuit: will:
>>  - stop current session
>>  - save current image if requested
>>  - quit if requested
>>  - start a new session
>> When a session is started, all elements registered in the startup list
>> are started up.
>> When a session is stopped, all elements registered in the shutdown list
>> are shut down.
>> # Managing Startup and Shutdown lists
>> The startup and shutdown lists can be accessed through the messages:
>> SessionManager default startupList.
>> SessionManager default shutdownList.
>> In general terms, the shutdown list is the startup list reversed.
>> Upon a startup [shutdown], all elements in the startup list are sent the
>> message #startup: [#shutdown:] with a boolean as argument that indicates
>> wether the image is being saved [closed].
>> Internally, startup and shutdown lists are prioritised. Priorities are
>> managed by startup categories. By default the session manager includes the
>> following categories in decreasing priority order:
>> - System
>> - Network
>> - Graphical User Interface
>> - Tools
>> - User
>> Categories can be accessed as follows:
>> SessionManager default categoryNamed: aName.
>> New categories can be registered in the system using the messages:
>> SessionManager default createCategory: aCategoryName.
>> SessionManager default createCategory: aCategoryName after:
>> anotherCategoryName.
>> Finally, to subscribe some resource handler to the startup shutdown
>> lists, we need to subscribe a handler, subclass of AbstractSessionHandler.
>> The most common handler implementation so far is the ClassSessionHandler,
>> that allows to subscribe a class for startup and shutdown, keeping
>> backwards compatibility to the old startup mechanism.
>> ClassSessionHandler forClassNamed: aClassName
>> We can register a session handler as follows
>> SessionManager default
>> register: (ClassSessionHandler forClassNamed: self name)
>> inCategory: SessionManager default systemCategory.
>> Or alternatively, by talking to the corresponding category:
>> SessionManager default systemCategory register: (ClassSessionHandler
>> forClassNamed: self name)
>> # System Category Priorities
>> A system category internally prioritizes its elements to provide a fine
>> grained control on the startup and shutdown order.
>> All methods above have variants that allow developers to specify the
>> priority inside the category:
>> SessionManager default
>> register: (ClassSessionHandler forClassNamed: self name)
>> inCategory: SessionManager default systemCategory
>> atPriority: 100.
>> SessionManager default systemCategory
>> register: (ClassSessionHandler forClassNamed: self name)
>> atPriority: 100
>> By default, if no priority is specified, a default priority is used.
>> Every category answers to the message #defaultPriority.
>> # How does an image restart from the point it was before
>> An important point in the image startup is how does it manage to restart
>> from the point where it was executing when it was saved.
>> When the image is saved, using the snapshot primitive, the entire image
>> is freezed at the point of the snapshot.
>> More particularly, the process that invoked the snapshot primitive is
>> freezed at the point of the primitive call.
>> This works as a process fork: the running image will return from the
>> snapshot primitive and the saved file will also start from the freezed
>> point.
>> To differentiate whether we are executing in the running image or in the
>> freshly-saved image, the snapshot primitive returns a boolean indicating it.
>> Read the comment of #snapshotPrimitive for more details.

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