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On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 7:36 AM, Oleksandr Zaytsev <olk.zayt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A. Improved my fix of this case: https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/19396, as
> suggested by Ben Coman, and created a slice for it (I think it works like PR
> in Pharo - correct me if I'm wrong).

Thanks Olek. The slice is good, and the additional test is good.

Now after loading the slice and running all system tests from World > TestRunner
I get 21 errors, since they have code like this...
     self assert: (Smalltalk globals classNamed: originalName) isNil.
which needs to be updated and checked that there is no clash in usage.

Anyone know of a method like...
     self assert: (Smalltalk globals classNamed: originalName) raised:
which seems more useful than each time doing...
    | correctErrorRaised |
    correctErrorRaised := false.
     [ Smalltalk globals classNamed: #notExistedClass ]
          on: ClassNotFound do: [correctErrorRaised := true].
    self assert: correctErrorRaised.

btw, one of the failures is   ClassTest>>testMethodsReferencingClass
but I'm a little confused by...
    self assert: (ClassTest methodsReferencingClass: (Smalltalk
classNamed: #BehaviorTests)) isEmpty

since there is no "BehaviorTests" in the Image, which effectively is...
    self assert:  (ClassTest methodsReferencingClass: nil) isEmpty
So is this succeeding by accident? @Pavel, @Vicent can you advise?
i guess it should be BehaviorTest not BehaviorTests, which goes to
show the value
of #classNamed: raising ClassNotFound instead of returning nil.

cheers -ben

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