
I am tempted ;-) by the following message on Pharo's download page:
The minimal image is a reduced version of Pharo 7.0 (alpha): You have the most basic environment and you can interact with it via command line. WARNING: For hackers only!

What kind of hacking has been done with this image in the past ?

Can this image be used as a swiss-army knife for st (ala busybox in GNU)?

The image is small enough to ship as part of regular VM binary and plugins. If pharo (binary) is run without any image, this image can be used as a fallback to run st scripts. At launch time, we know underlying platform OS and architecture, so we could move a lot of platform-specific vm code into such st scripts.

Or, we could use it within Makefiles to build plugins outside of src tree.

Regards .. Subbu

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