
I found an annoying bug with Pharo's eval command line handler. When it encounters a syntax error, the foreground color is set to red while printing error message, but not restored after (see attachment). I have to reset it every time using "echo -e \e[0m" :-(.

I found
STCommandLineHandler>>#printCompilerWarning: aSyntaxErrorNotification
"print the marker under the error line"
     (lineNumber == errorLine) ifTrue: [
                        stderr red
                                nextPutAll:( '_^_' padLeftTo: position - start 
+ maxLineNumberSize + 4);
                                lf ]]
The above code will leave the red color if the error happens on the last line (as in eval handler), then the color is never restored. Can someone confirm if this is indeed what is happening? I will file a case and post a fix, if so.

I also found VTermOutputDriver uses incorrect ANSI color codes (e.g. white is 37 instead of 97). If the current terminal bg color happens to be "stderr white", then the error text is unreadable.

Regards .. Subbu

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