
I think there is a deeper need here. Writing good document is hard and keeping it in sync with code is harder still.

A book/booklet separates content from the code and being frozen in time faces obsolescence. I would prefer to see a guidebook framework in Pharo that every package author can use to create a simple narrative on its features. Package authors and consumers have an incentive to keep the code and content in sync. If an Object is a recursion on the notion of a computer, why not provide, say a Note, as a recursive simplification of a book?

The framework could be on the lines of Plugins, Tests. E.g.


The guide framework should support active code (say to pop the source code for a method), active links to guides on which this package depends, automatic generation of table of contents, index of class references. Most of features already exists in Pharo but spread all over. They need a home.

A package could also extend this basic framework with features (e.g. PDF package could export articles to PDF, Zinc could generate HTML).

Regards .. Subbu

On Thursday 25 May 2017 07:03 AM, Ben Coman wrote:
I've seen a few requests for short bits of code to use in playground for
a demo presentation.  I wonder if it would be good to have a booklet to
gather these - seeded with Sven's excellent article...

It could include the recent meta-programming scripts like searching for
all class instance variables starting with a capital letter.

The book might be named "Snippets", in a format presentable to laser
print on-site - something physical for attendees to take away with them
to quick demo to others back in their office.

I can take the lead in setting it up.  Anyone remember any relevant
posts in our archives?

cheers -ben

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