I just bumped into Microsoft's MIT Licensed IDE "Visual Studio Code" that
runs on OSX, Linux & Windows.  What is interesting is their Debug Protocol
for connecting to language specific debuggers.
* https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensionAPI/api-debugging

If I had time, it would be interesting (and super cool) to build a Debug
Adaptor in Pharo
* https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensionAPI/language-support
as well as a Language Server Protocol provider
* https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensionAPI/language-support
Could make a good student project or two.  The skills learnt and
demonstrated would be quite marketable outside of the Pharo community.

>From a marketing perspective, it might be more palatable for existing
Visual Studio users to install Pharo as an extension rather than install
Pharo as a whole new IDE (i.e. Pharo) - a common complaint about Smalltalk
in general.  At a minimum there is the exposure gained from Microsoft's
Extension Marketplace, with early adoptors trying out Pharo
just-because-its-there. It also smashes that regular criticism of Smalltalk
that it lives too much in its on isolated world.

It might attract developers wanting to do polygot development, for example
(just guessing that might be possible):
* game development using Unity libraries for the game engine with Ronnie's
minimal-vm embedded as the scripting language,  and debugging both in
parallel from a single environment
* Pharo web server backend with Javascript frontend

I vaguely wonder if it would be possible to make a Debug Adaptor that
integrates VM & Image level debugging, transparently stepping from
Smalltalk into the VM C code.  That could be useful for FFI debugging, or
developing low-level graphics interfaces that might break our internal IDE.

Disclaimer: Like all my random ideas, its a bit vague and dreamy, but I had
no concept of it yesterday, so just sharing the find to stimulate future

cheers -ben

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