Hi Yiury,

On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 5:51 AM, Yuriy Tymchuk <yuriy.tymc...@me.com> wrote:

> Why cannot we have the sources in the image?
> When I asked it 2 years ago people were like: "oh, but you can just
> download 1 sources file and use it by all the images". I don’t care about
> that micro space savings, but fine, I said: have it your way. Now as we
> have to download sources all the time, why cannot we just have it IN the
> image?

It's not a "micro saving".  A Pharo6 image is about 48Mb and a Pharo
sources file is about 32Mb.  So you'd increase the size of the image by
75%.  Further, that space has to be dealt with by the GC.  The compactor
may have to move this objects around; so it's certainly overhead.  It might
make sense for development, especially if you use Igor's
include-source-in-the-method-trailer approach.  But it doesn't make sense
for deployment where the application isn't going to look at the sources
anyway.  So why put a heavy burden on deploying applications when the
current system works, and off loads a substantial amount of memory from the

> Uko
> On 9 Jun 2017, at 10:01, Pavel Krivanek <pavel.kriva...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> because during the image bootstrapping all source code is reloaded, it is
> all placed in the changes file and the sources file is useless. It would be
> strange to deliver Pharo with empty sources file and big changes so we
> decided to do sources compacting for every build.
> So Pharo 7 development versions will be delivered in an archive with three
> files named like:
> Pharo7.0-117934d.image
> Pharo7.0-117934d.changes
> Pharo7.0-117934d.sources
> where "117934d" is an abbreviated hash of the Git commit from which the
> Pharo image was bootstrapped. The sources file will be build-specific and
> of course you will be able to share it between images based on the same
> build. In changes file you will have only you own changes.
> You can test it here: https://ci.inria.fr/pharo/view/7.0/job/70-
> Bootstrap-32bit/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/bootstrap-cache/Pharo7.0-
> 117934d.zip
> Cheers,
> -- Pavel

best, Eliot

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