2017-06-30 17:58 GMT+02:00 Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com>:

> On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 4:28 PM, Pavel Krivanek <pavel.kriva...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> the reviewing of the pull requests is currently not as easy as we would
>> like to have. For simple changes it should be enough to go to the pull
>> requests list (https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/pulls) and review
>> the changes from the GitHub web interface. In case that the PR passes tests
>> and bootstrapping, it should be fine.
>> However if you want to play with an image that contains the PR code, your
>> options are more complicated. The basic and the most clean one is to
>> bootstrap from the repository with the PR applied on it. But it takes A LOT
>> of time (over 20 mins). You can use this script that you will run inside
>> the clone.
>> set -e
>> export PR=122
>> export BRANCH=development
>> export PHARO_VERSION=60
>> export BOOTSTRAP_ARCH=32
>> git fetch origin $BRANCH
>> git fetch origin refs/pull/$PR/head
>> git checkout -b pullrequest FETCH_HEAD
>> git merge --no-edit origin/$BRANCH
>> #git diff origin/$BRANCH..pullrequest > pullrequest.diff
>> wget -O - get.pharo.org/${PHARO_VERSION}+vm
>> <http://get.pharo.org/$%7BPHARO_VERSION%7D+vm> | bash
>> ./pharo Pharo.image --no-default-preferences ./bootstrap/scripts/
>> prepare_image.st --save --quit
>> ./pharo Pharo.image --no-default-preferences ./bootstrap/scripts/
>> bootstrap.st --ARCH=${BOOTSTRAP_ARCH} --quit
>> bash ./bootstrap/scripts/build.sh
>> The other option is to take existing Pharo 7 image, have
>> pharo-project/pharo clone next to it in a folder named 'pharo-core' and
>> then create a new branch with the merged pull request. Currently it cannot
>> be done from Iceberg directly so you need to use Git. You can use this
>> script:
>> set -e
>> PR=119
>> COMMIT=2225314a7404c9e00fe71e70d41fc59d4ba78e2d
> where does this commit hash come from?
as described, SystemVersion current commitHash

>> cd pharo-core
>> git fetch origin refs/pull/$PR/head
>> git checkout -b pr$PR-local FETCH_HEAD
>> git checkout $COMMIT
>> git checkout -b pr$PR-merged
>> git merge --no-edit pr$PR-local
>> #git diff $COMMIT...pr$PR-merged > pr$PR.diff
> Sorry I haven't the time to test this, but maybe it would do the same...??
> git fetch origin refs/pull/$PR/merge:pr$PR-merged
> #git diff $COMMIT...pr$merged
> https://coderwall.com/p/z5rkga/github-checkout-a-pull-request-as-a-branch
> cheers -ben

ok, I'll try. thanks

-- Pavel

>> Set the pull request name to the variable PR and the image commmit hash
>> to the variable named COMMIT. It can be obtained by "SystemVersion current
>> commitHash". As the result you are in a merged branch created for this pull
>> requests (e.g. pr122-merged) and you need to reload all packages. It can be
>> done from Iceberg where you will need to confirm several dialogs, or by
>> this script:
>> repo := MCFileTreeRepository new
>> directory: './pharo-core/src' asFileReference;
>> yourself.
>> versions := OrderedCollection new.
>> repo allFileNames do: [ :packageName |
>> | wc |
>> wc := MCWorkingCopy allManagers detect: [ :each | each packageName =
>> (packageName withoutSuffix: '.package') ] ifNone: [nil].
>> wc ifNotNil: [
>> [(repo loadVersionFromFileNamed: packageName) load] on:
>> MCMergeOrLoadWarning do: [:w | w resume ] ]] displayingProgress: [:e | e ].
>> The other option is to let display the classical Monticello merging
>> window. For that you can use this script:
>> repo := MCFileTreeRepository new
>> directory: './pharo-core/src' asFileReference;
>> yourself.
>> versions := OrderedCollection new.
>> repo allFileNames do: [ :packageName |
>> | wc |
>> wc := MCWorkingCopy allManagers detect: [ :each | each packageName =
>> (packageName withoutSuffix: '.package') ] ifNone: [nil].
>> wc ifNotNil: [
>> versions add: (repo loadVersionFromFileNamed: packageName) ]]
>> displayingProgress: [:e | e ].
>> merger := MCVersionMerger new.
>> versions do: [:each | merger addVersion: each  ].
>> merger mergeWithNameLike: 'merged'.
>> merger gatherChanges.
>> (merger instVarNamed: #records) do: [ :each | each mergePatch operations
>> do: [:operation | operation chooseRemote.]].
>> (merger instVarNamed: #merger) operations do: #chooseRemote.
>> merger resolveConflicts.
>> However I have seen cases where for example the PR deleted some class and
>> the MC merging tool was not able to see this change. So be careful with
>> this approach. We need to look at that.
>> Do not look on this mail as something final. It's only a hint for brave
>> sprinters. To find a good workflow how properly review our PR should be one
>> of our priorities.
>> Cheers,
>> -- Pavel

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