On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 2:00 PM, <esteba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> This is my weekly ChangeLog, from 26 June 2017 to 2 July 2017.
> You can see it in a better format by going here:
> http://log.smallworks.eu/web/search?from=26/6/2017&to=2/7/2017
> ChangeLog
> =========
> 29 June 2017:
> -------------
> *    ... and I spent some time figuring out why windows users have a
> persistent error about access files.
>     We should always remember the windows path limitations (256) :)
>     Now, the workaround for this is to execute this in command line:
>     ----
>     git config --system core.longpaths true
>     ----
>     but of course, this is just a workaround because people using Iceberg
> could not hava installed a
>     command line git client. I will need to check in the future this :(

Nice pickup.  I notice this command creates the file /etc/gitconfig like
           longpaths = true

and instead using --local update
$ cp .git/config /tmp/oldconfig
$ git config --local core.longpaths true
$ diff .git/config /tmp/oldconfig
<       longpaths = true

Sorry I don't have time to test further, but if --local has the same
positive effect per repo as --global,
could Pharo modify the config text file directly?

> *    I spent some time trying to get [Iceberg version dev-0.5](
> https://github.com/pharo-vcs/iceberg/tree/dev-0.5)
>     to load properly (yesterday's script is not working).
>     The reason is that +Metacello+ fails to upgrade packages from a
> baseline. And there is no way (at least
>     that I found) to force the upload.
>     So this is the updated script to test dev-0.5:
>     1. Download latest vm and image.
>     ----
>     wget -O- get.pharo.org/64/70+vmLatest | bash
>     wget -O- get.pharo.org/64/70+vmTLatest | bash # for linux systems
>     ----
>     2. Execute this on your image
>     ----
>     #('Iceberg-UI' 'Iceberg-Plugin' 'Iceberg-Metacello-Integration'
> 'Iceberg-Libgit' 'Iceberg' 'BaselineOfIceberg'
>     'LibGit-Core' 'BaselineOfLibGit')
>         do: [ :each | each asPackage removeFromSystem ].
>     Metacello new
>       baseline: 'Iceberg';
>       repository: 'github://pharo-vcs/iceberg:dev-0.5';
>       load.
>     ----
>     This should actually remove old iceberg version then install new one.
> 28 June 2017:
> -------------
> *    Ok, I get the VM to compile correctly with the new libgit2 version,
> and now +latest vm+ comes with
>     +libgit 0.25.1+ for both 32 and 64 bits versions.
>     I also made some minor fixes to +iceberg dev-0.5+ and it should be
> ready to test and release. This
>     version incorporates some important changes that will allow us to work
> with it to make changes to
>     Pharo itself (and that will be noticed on big projects):
>     * it has cherry-pick.
>     * it speeds up sincronization by introducing more precise comparisons
> instead making a "full scan"

sincronization = something naughty you do at regular intervals ??    %^)

>     * it keeps in sync branch on disk and branch on iceberg (before it was
> keeping them separately and it was very confusing)
>     To test it, you can execute:
>     ----
>         wget -O- get.files.org/64/70+vmLatest | bash
>         wget -O- get.files.org/64/70+vmTLatest | bash # on linux systems
>     ----
>     then you will need to load version +dev-0.5+ :
>     ----
>     Metacello new
>       baseline: 'Iceberg';
>       repository: 'github://pharo-vcs/iceberg:dev-0.5';
>       load.
>     "And you will need to execute this... I will need to update the
> baseline with this,
>      now that I think :)"
>     LGitExternalStructure allSubclassesDo: #compileFields.
>     ----
> *    I finished ensuring [iceberg](https://github.com/
> pharo-vcs/iceberg/tree/dev-0.5) will work on 64 bits.
>     Now, I needed to make some fixes for UFFI, which I put in [case:
> 20198](https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/20198) (it is imperative to
> include
>     this to be able to backport 0.5 into Pharo 6.0). Also, I will need to
> promote a new VM as stable.
>     I'm not sure I want to backport this into Pharo 6. I know I promised
> but complications are... more than
>     benefits, I think: You will need a new VM. People will not know that
> and they will download a P6 image
>     with the older VM and this will cause problems.
>     Maybe is better to move all this to P7?
> cheers!
> Esteban

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