Yeah, it is truly great! I think we've crossed a border. In the past a lot of 
our legacy was compensating the awesomeness. In the meantime I have the feeling 
that the awesomeness sticks out much more clear.

Thank you all for making this community!


> Am 06.07.2017 um 10:57 schrieb Stephane Ducasse <>:
> Hi pharoing people
> Just a little word to tell you that I'm super happy about the future of Pharo.
> The consortium is growing and will probably be able to pay esteban and 
> clement.
> The roadmap for Pharo 70 is really exciting.
> The bootstrap, git and the new project in the pipe will boost us.
> So I wanted to thanks you all for all this super great energy.
> We (you and us) are building a super cool future.
> Stef

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