With the following commits

Name: Zinc-Resource-Meta-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.63
Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe
Time: 25 August 2017, 4:51:26.632889 pm
UUID: b81e01d1-f613-0d00-b8a2-b72f05cf217b
Ancestors: Zinc-Resource-Meta-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.62

Adapt ZnUrl>>#parsePath: to allow for empty path segments (as would happen when 
2 consecutive slash occur in it) - simplify some of the code

Modify #testEncodedSlash and #testParsingEmpty in ZnUrlTests to follow the new 
Name: Zinc-Resource-Meta-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.38
Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe
Time: 25 August 2017, 4:51:43.080273 pm
UUID: 4116fcd1-f613-0d00-b8a3-a70905cf217b
Ancestors: Zinc-Resource-Meta-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.37

Adapt ZnUrl>>#parsePath: to allow for empty path segments (as would happen when 
2 consecutive slash occur in it) - simplify some of the code

Modify #testEncodedSlash and #testParsingEmpty in ZnUrlTests to follow the new 

Empty path segments are allowed and your example will work.

Since it returns JSON, I would suggest doing

ZnClient new 
  accept: ZnMimeType applicationJson;
  enforceAcceptContentType: true;
  contentReader: [ :entity | STONJSON fromString: entity contents ]; 

> On 17 Aug 2017, at 18:51, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
> Hi Milton,
>> On 5 Aug 2017, at 03:15, milton mamani <akeval...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi to all
>> I want to use the next instruction in my code
>> response := ZnEasy get: 
>> 'https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/origin/git/url/https://github.com/hylang/hy'.
>> response.
>> The previous code works from command line or in a webbrowser, but I does not 
>> work with ZnEasy
>> Because it takes the previous link as:
>> a ZnRequest(GET /api/1/origin/git/url/https:/github.com/hylang/hy)
>> Could you please tell me what can I do for this situation?
>> Cheers,
>> Milton
> ZnUrl has indeed a problem parsing this URL. It skips empty path segments, 
> we'll have to create an issue for that and we should try to fix it, 
> maintaining current behaviour. The parser is hand written and has evolved a 
> bit over the years, so it is a bit brittle. Seaside's WAUrl seems to have the 
> same problem. It is funny that this only now comes up. Thanks for reporting 
> it.
> Here is a workaround, by manually creating a ZnUrl object from its elementary 
> components.
> ZnUrl new scheme: #https; host: 'archive.softwareheritage.org'; 
> addPathSegments: #('api' '1' 'origin' 'git' 'url' 'https:' '' 'github.com' 
> 'hylang' 'hy'); yourself.
> You can use this as follows.
> ZnUrl new scheme: #https; host: 'archive.softwareheritage.org'; 
> addPathSegments: #('api' '1' 'origin' 'git' 'url' 'https:' '' 'github.com' 
> 'hylang' 'hy'); retrieveContents.
> ZnEasy get: (ZnUrl new scheme: #https; host: 'archive.softwareheritage.org'; 
> addPathSegments: #('api' '1' 'origin' 'git' 'url' 'https:' '' 'github.com' 
> 'hylang' 'hy'); yourself).
> Regards,
> Sven

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