
I am releasing an initial version of Git Thermite, the GitHub pull request
visualization that I presented at IWST.
SmalltalkHub page:


Script for loading Git Thermite:

Gofer it
smalltalkhubUser: 'ronsaldo' project: 'GitHubAPI';
configurationOf: 'GitStats';

For visualizing a GitHub pull request, you can use the dialog on the World
menu -> Git Thermite -> Visualize pull request.

The GitHub access credential can be entered through the System Settings. I
 recommend to generate a GitHub API secret token instead of using your GH
password for the access token.

Because this project is for my Master Thesis, and I need to gather
experimental data to validate the visualization, I will ask to the people
at Lille to not experiment   with this tool until I test it with you during
the next two weeks at Lillle.

The current implementation is quite hackish because I am building this in
an exploratory way. Later I will make a full rewrite to clean the tool and
make it easy to extend and experiment with more visualizations with it.

Best regards,

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