Dear all,

I have just released a new bugfix and enhancements release v0.2.5 for
OSSubprocess as you can see in [1].

This new release is thanks to the awesome work of Guillermo Polito [2]. He
found a problem (and a fix) that would hung/block the Pharo image in a wait
state. This problem has been forever and I have faced it myself. It would
only happen when using #waitForExit and under certain scenario.  Because of
that, I recommend everyone to move to this release.

Aside from that serious bug, he has also done quite some improvements in
the tests and in the Travis setup. Once this PR [3] has been merged and
SmalltalkCI updated, our Travis build [4] should show all green builds for
Linux/OSX and Pharo 5.0 and 6.1.

I have also copied the configuration into Pharo 5.0 and 6.0 catalog so as
of tomorrow, it should be there.




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