Ben you should have a look super fast at the mooc because some
lectures are nice pearls.

Anyway: I was talking about
looks for the aquariums :)


On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 1:38 PM, Ben Coman <> wrote:
> I haven't.  I just went looking for it through all the video links here...
> and couldn't recognise which you refer to.  Do you have a link?
> cheers -ben
> On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 4:23 PM, Stephane Ducasse <>
> wrote:
>> Did you watch the What is Pharo videos of the mooc :)
>> On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 3:16 AM, Ben Coman <> wrote:
>> >
>> > "Swimming with the fish" is a catchy phrase that I like which seems to
>> > encompass the strength of Pharo's tight development feedback loop that
>> > comes
>> > from operating in a world of live objects. I had some imagery floating
>> > through my head on this I thought worth sharing. Only time for a quick
>> > dump,
>> > but I hope you can piece it together...
>> >
>> >
>> > In the style of one of those fast paced cartoon product videos...
>> >
>> > Scene 1:
>> > "The development process we all know..."
>> > A neutral background with directed arcs in circle
>> > "Debug-->Edit-->Compile-->Execute-->"
>> >
>> >
>> > Scene 2:
>> > "In most languages...   debugging..."
>> > Zoom in on Aquarium 1 to show a developer standing outside aquarium
>> > window...
>> >
>> >
>> > reaching in through quarantine-box-like-gloxes to use telescopic tools
>> > to
>> > pick up and examine fish at a distance...
>> >
>> >
>> > until the lightbulb moment...
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Scene 3:
>> > "In most languages...   editing...."
>> > Developer zooms out away from aquarium. It folds up into a tiny box and
>> > drops in a bin.
>> > Developer zooms in on an architectural drafting table with many drawings
>> > with many different but simple flow diagrams on each. Quickly make
>> > required
>> > edit to flow diagrams.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Scene 4:
>> > "In most languages...    compiling..."
>> > Drawings pass through a photocopier into a box that is transferred to
>> > site
>> > supervisor.
>> > At an empty flat construction site, supervisor opens box pulling out
>> > drawings to review them.
>> > Trucks and machines arrive and start building the aquarium at his
>> > direction...
>> > Two buildings clash when they overlap the same space (compile error).
>> > Return
>> > to Scene 3 to fix design then rerun Scene 4 through to completion.
>> >
>> >
>> > Scene 5:
>> > " In most languages... execution..."
>> > Water trucks arrive and pour water into the pool, then more trucks
>> > arrive
>> > adding the fish.
>> > (i.e. initialization and getting to the point of the program you want
>> > check
>> > again)
>> >
>> >
>> > Scene 6:
>> > "In most languages...   debugging..."
>> > Complete the loop by starting scene 3 again.
>> >
>> >
>> > Scene 7:
>> > "In Pharo.... debugging..."
>> > Zoom out, over and into Aquarium 2 where a developer is swimming inside
>> > the
>> > pool...
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Developer grabs a fish, shifts it aside, lets it go to swim some more,
>> > grabs
>> > it again, holds it up close to look a small detail.  Out of nothing
>> > creates
>> > a new fish to interact with the first fish.
>> > Out of nothing creates some clay and then moulds a new scope-like tool
>> > from
>> > it to look at the fish differently.
>> >
>> > Lightbulb moment...
>> >
>> >
>> > "In Pharo.... editing..."
>> > Developer peers into brain of fish seeing many neurons, picks one out
>> > which
>> > shows as simple flow diagram, makes a change to it.
>> >
>> > "In Pharo.... compiling..."
>> > Laser beam quickly scans the simple flow diagram and packs neuron back
>> > into
>> > the fish.
>> >
>> > "In Pharo.... execution..."
>> > Fish swims off.
>> >
>> > "In Pharo.... debugging..."
>> > Developer grabs another fish...
>> >
>> >
>> > Scene 8:
>> > Zoom out to show both aquariums.
>> > In Aquarium 1, repetitively run through Scenes 2 through 6
>> > In Aquarium 2, repetitively run through Scene 7.
>> > Play at 10x original speed.
>> >
>> > Fade in a "Debug-->Edit-->Compile-->Run-->" over each aquarium, showing
>> > synced state transitions.
>> >
>> > Fade in "Come swim with the fish with Pharo"
>> > Fade in "It will change the way you think about programming"
>> >
>> >
>> > cheers -ben

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