Hi Sean,

Thanks for the feedback :)
I will take a look and come up with an answer in a few days.

If you have time to play more or if you found other issues, please feel
free to list them here or open bug reports on Github (


On 23 October 2017 at 04:15, Sean P. DeNigris <s...@clipperadams.com> wrote:

> Highlights:
> - BlCornerRadii - 1st class corners - yay to the death of cryptic arrays
> for
> this kind of thing :)
> Questions:
> - How would one do e.g. a ticking clock in Bloc? The only possibly relevant
> example I see is BlAnimatedCursor. Is that a typical usage? One thing that
> I'm not sure how to translate to a BlElement is that the cursor seems to be
> responsible for starting and stopping the animation via #activateOn:, which
> doesn't exist for an element. How would one prevent an element's animation
> from continuing to run after a space was closed?
> - BlElement has 278 instance-side methods. A frequent battle cry against
> Morphic was the bloated Morph class with 899. Definitely an improvement,
> but
> are we "there yet"?
> - Does Bloc implement its own keybinding outside of "Keymapping" e.g.
> BlShortcut? If so, why? Will it ultimately be a replacement?
> - In BlTextEditElement class>>#exampleText, text construction seems awfully
> complex (`text := BrRopedText rope: (BrCollectionRope collection: (String
> loremIpsum: 30)). text attributes: { BrFontWeightAttribute bold }.`. How
> does that way contrast to e.g. `'X' asRopedText`?
> Problems:
> BlBasicExamples
> - #exampleShapes, select the yellow shape with red border -> inspector ->
> Transformations Tab -> Click on Composition -> "ShouldNotImplement:
> #multiplyOn: should not have been implemented in BlCompositeTransformation"
> - #exampleImageBackground -> "ShouldBeImplemented: #fillPath:withForm:
> should have been implemented in SpartaCairoFillPainter"
> BlTextEditElement class>>#exampleText
>     - insert some characters and then press [delete] -> "Error: Illegal
> sub-sequence end index: 44"
>     - There is aBlSelectionHandler, but I can't seem to select any of the
> text
> BrAttributeRopeExamples#>>simpleRope -> inspect return value -> In
> inspector, click on "Children" tab -> "Error: Improper store into indexable
> object"
> - In BlLinearLayoutExamples class>>#exampleVerticalLeftCenterRightRTL,
>     - the red sub-element does `c linear horizontal alignLeft`, which is
> then overridden by its parent's `BlLinearLayout vertical "rightToLeft"`.
> Was
> it intentional to show the precedence because I found it confusing when an
> element that sent #alignLeft showed up on the right!
>     - the yellow sub-element does not appear at all. Maybe it should do a
> `c
> vertical exact: 100.` like its siblings?
> - All BlAnimationExamples lead to deprecation warnings and DNU's, but *do
> not even attempt* #exampleBallsAnim or face endlessly multplying debugger
> windows!
> -----
> Cheers,
> Sean
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Developers-f1294837.html

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