Hello, Folks. As is wrote in the title, I`m somewhat confused.  I`m new to
programming but I think I understood what OOP is, yessterday before I
discovered Pharo, was I was able to build a simple city model in Visual
Studio (C#), with a city class which was build out of other classes wich
were build out of other classes. 
City<-District<-Street<-House<-Room. So I get the idea that we want to
discribe real world systems as network of objects to be able to solve
problems within givin system.

However I have a super hard time to grasp Pharo for some reason. What I
understood so far is that everything is an object even the classes it self,
wich  is super cool by the way. I understand that as I use Pharo I have to
use the libaries aswell since there is no clear cut between language and
I know the browser to a slight degree and I read allready a bit code from
some objects and methods. 
But then when i try to call some methods from the classes there I  fail 90%
of the time. 

I did not find much learning material online. Only a couple talks on Pharo
and one or two text based tutorials wich were unfortunatly pretty old,
version 1.5 or something like this.
So I really want to dig into this wonderfull subject as the concept seems
fascinating to me. I believe it can be a powerfull tool especially with the
abillity to change things runtime.

I`d be glad to get a little advice on how to start.

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