On 24 January 2018 at 08:54,  <vincent.blond...@lamresearch.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working to be able to create some standalone apps in Pharo. And for 
> this, I would like to remove of the .sources and .changes. But, by removing 
> them, the args names are reset to arg1, arg2, arg3, ... and the FFI cannot be 
> used anymore.
> Does someone (Esteban?) have a solution that I could implement to fix this 
> issue?
> Thanks!
> Vincent

Is removing those files to reduce deployment size?  Or to keep code private?

Just guessing, but you may be able to file-out the FFI definitions,
remove the .changes and .sources files,
then file-in FFI definitons.  You'll end up with a .changes file, but
much smaller.

cheers -ben

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