On 5 March 2018 at 23:51, Guillermo Polito <guillermopol...@gmail.com>

> On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 4:45 PM, Cyril Ferlicot <cyril.ferli...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 4:38 PM, Guillermo Polito <
>> guillermopol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> But, "one single class" does not mean anything. Because it depends from
>>> which branch/commitish you are loading it from...
>>> Can you explain better what is the problem because I am not getting it...
>>> In any case, independently of where is the burden, I want to veto any
>>> new integration that may make future builds non-reproducible. Otherwise
>>> this is a source of chaos and dead kittens.
>>> The problem is that actually if you have a git project with a stable and
>> dev branch you will need:
>> - One baseline on the stable branch with determined dependencies versions
>> - One baseline on the dev branch with less restricted versions (for
>> example 3.x.x)
>> Then, when you release a new stable version by merging the development
>> branch you need to edit the merge by hand to merge everything except the
>> baseline.
>> I think this is what Denis wants to avoid.
> But in general, such merges need to be done only for major and minor
>> releases. Not for a patch because you can do a hotfix. You create a new
>> branch from master, then merge in in master and development when it's done.
> I still do not understand... Also I do not understand your usage of the
> term "the merge". Can somebody give a **concrete** scenario?
> When you release a version, please do not move that version. You should
> then create new versions, with new numbers and new code. But never touch
> old versions with old numbers and old code. Like that I can download the
> same old code using the same old number to get the old version whenever I
> want :).
> You can try to do it with branches, tags, different repositories, or even
> with zipfiles in mails. I don't care. Just don't modify releases and I'm
> happy with it.

Not branches.  Git has is no real difference between branches and tags,
except that "by definition" branches move and tags don't.
cheers -ben

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