2018-03-08 19:44 GMT+01:00 Eliot Miranda <eliot.mira...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Sven,
> On Mar 8, 2018, at 9:55 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
> On 8 Mar 2018, at 17:58, Eliot Miranda <eliot.mira...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Stef,
> following on from Sean, (+1000 for using ordinary quotes)
> ’string’ collection of characters => ’string’ sequence of characters
> $a, Character space Two ways to create characters => $a, Character space
> two ways to denote characters (or two ways to write characters; all other
> explanations in this list are not capitalized; this shouldn't be either)
> exp1. exp2 expression separator => expr1. expr2 statement separator
> ; message cascade => expr doThis ; doThat   semicolon - message cascade
> (c.f. exp1. exp2 expression separator)
> ^ expr caret - returns a result from a method => ^ expr caret - return a
> result from a method (or, ParcPlace preference, answer a result from a
> method, since we're sending messages here)
> ...
> A unary message is one with no arguments. => A unary message has no
> arguments. (c.f. A binary message takes only one argument ...)
> ...
> Set new add: 4; add: 4 ; yourself ~> aSet => Set new add: 4; add: 4 ;
> yourself ~> aSet(4)
> Dictionary new at: #a put: 'Alpha' ; yourself a Dictionary => Dictionary
> new at: #a put: 'Alpha' ; yourself a Dictionary(#a->'Alpha' )
> and then in the Files and Stream section I would give two more examples of
> exactly the same sequence that use the convenience APIs.  This is the
> existing text:
>    work := FileSystem disk workingDirectory.
>    stream := (work / ’foo.txt’) writeStream.
>    stream nextPutAll: ’Hello World’.
>    stream close.
>    stream := (work / ’foo.txt’) readStream.
>    stream contents.                                     ~> 'Hello World'
>    stream close.
> I would make it read
>    work := FileSystem disk workingDirectory.
>    stream := (work / ’foo.txt’) writeStream.
>    stream nextPutAll: ’Hello World’.
>    stream close.
>    stream := (work / ’foo.txt’) readStream.
>    stream contents.                                     ~> 'Hello World'
>    stream close.
>    or, more simply
>    work := FileSystem disk workingDirectory.
>    (work / ’foo.txt’) writeStreamDo: [ :fileStream | fileStream
> nextPutAll: ’Hello World’ ].
>    (work / ’foo.txt’) readStreamDo: [ :fileStream | fileStream contents]
>                            ~> 'Hello World'
>    or, more simply still
>    work := FileSystem disk workingDirectory.
>    (work / ’foo.txt’) writeStreamDo: [ :fileStream | fileStream
> nextPutAll: ’Hello World’ ].
>    (work / ’foo.txt’) contents
>                                                               ~> 'Hello
> World'
> file := FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'foo' , 'txt'.
> file ensureDelete.
> file writeStreamDo: [ :fileStream | fileStream nextPutAll: 'Hello World' ].
> file contents.
> file delete.
> (to make it re-entrant and a bit more concise)
> that suggests
> file := FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'foo' , 'txt'.
> file newWriteStreamDo: [ :fileStream | fileStream nextPutAll: 'Hello
> World' ].
> file contents.
> file delete.
> where newWriteStreamDo: includes the file ensureDelete, or better still a
> truncation, which saves the effort of deletion but (I *think*) has the same
> effect.
Hi Eliot,
not exactly the same effect wrt file access rights.

> +1e10 for plain single quotes, VERY important.
> or if you can't make it fit, just give the last version
> Finally, this seems to have fallen off the end:
> A simple, uniform and powerful model
> Pharo has a simple dynamically-typed object model:
> Perhaps shrink the picture of the browser.  You can save three lines by
> writing
>    OrderedCollection new
>        add: 1;
>        add: 2;
>        add: 3.
> as OrderedCollection new add: 1; add: 2; add: 3.
> And another by writing 2=2 ifTrue: [ Error signal: ’Help’ ]. on one line.
> On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 12:56 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
> new cheatsheet for Pharo syntax.
> Any feedback is welcome
> Stef
> --
> _,,,^..^,,,_
> best, Eliot

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