
long time ago I renamed 2DArray as Matrix. Now our Matrix class does
> not support any of the Matrix operations

Some Matrix operations are implemented:

- I see in Matrix class #+*, #preMultiplyByArray:, #preMultiplyByMatrix:
which are Matrix specific arithmetic (Multiplication of Matrix by Vector
and Matrix) in *Collections-arithmetic protocol. Does that mean these API
will be removed while renaming ? They don't seem to be used anyway.

- There is also #transposed, which is the transposed matrix operator
implemented only for square matrix or an assertion failure is raised. This
method is used, it makes sense to have the transposed operator in Matrix
class but I don't think it would mean anything on a Array2D class (What
does it mean to transpose a 2D Array ?). Is this API going to be removed
and all users patched ? Or maybe we rename it to #squareMatrixTransposed in
Array2D expressing the intent (interpret the Array2D as a Matrix, works
only on square Matrix). What do you think ?

I think it makes sense to rename from Matrix to Array2D only if we patch
first these matrix specific APIs. There are not many we can do it.


On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 5:35 AM, Esteban A. Maringolo <emaring...@gmail.com>

> I thought you couldn't name classes starting with numbers.
> If that wasn't the case I think Array2D would be a better option.
> Regards,
> Esteban A. Maringolo
> Esteban A. Maringolo
> 2018-03-09 17:46 GMT-03:00 Stephane Ducasse <stepharo.s...@gmail.com>:
> > Hi
> >
> > long time ago I renamed 2DArray as Matrix. Now our Matrix class does
> > not support any of the Matrix operations, so I was thinking that to
> > avoid confusion (people should use polymath) we should rename it back
> > to 2DArray.
> > What do you think?
> >
> > Stef
> >

Clément Béra
Pharo consortium engineer
Bâtiment B 40, avenue Halley 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq

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