I cannot reproduce it from here... does your file have non-ascii characters?

On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 10:55 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu>

> World Menu > Tools > Code Changes
> click on any change, boom.
> [ :error |
> (OmFileStoreReadingError
>         readingError: error
>         on: self fileReference
>         position: readStream position) signal ] in [ :readStream |
> [ ^ aBlockClosure value: readStream ]
>         on: Error
>         do: [ :error |
>                 (OmFileStoreReadingError
>                         readingError: error
>                         on: self fileReference
>                         position: readStream position) signal ] ] in
> OmBlockFileStore(OmFileStore)>>readEntriesWith: in Block: [ :error | ...
> BlockClosure>>cull:
> Context>>evaluateSignal:
> Context>>handleSignal:
> Context>>handleSignal:
> MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>signal
> UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #<
> ZnUTF8Encoder>>nextCodePointFromStream:
> ZnUTF8Encoder(ZnCharacterEncoder)>>nextFromStream:
> ZnCharacterReadStream>>nextElement
> [ :out |
> | partialMatch pattern matched |
> partialMatch := (self collectionSpecies new: aCollection size)
>         writeStream.
> pattern := aCollection readStream.
> matched := false.
> [ matched or: [ self atEnd or: [ pattern atEnd ] ] ]
>         whileFalse: [ | ch |
>                 (ch := self nextElement) = pattern next
>                         ifTrue: [ pattern atEnd
>                                         ifTrue: [ matched := true ]
>                                         ifFalse: [ partialMatch nextPut:
> ch ] ]
>                         ifFalse: [ pattern reset.
>                                 out nextPutAll: partialMatch contents.
>                                 partialMatch reset.
>                                 out nextPut: ch ] ].
> matched
>         ifFalse: [ out nextPutAll: partialMatch contents ] ] in
> ZnCharacterReadStream>>upToAll: in Block: [ :out | ...
> String class(SequenceableCollection class)>>new:streamContents:
> String class(SequenceableCollection class)>>streamContents:
> ZnCharacterReadStream>>upToAll:
> [ stream upToAll: token ] in 
> OmSTONEntryReader>>nextEntryPositionIfFound:ifNone:
> in Block: [ stream upToAll: token ]
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> OmSTONEntryReader>>nextEntryPositionIfFound:ifNone:
> OmSTONEntryReader>>entryPositionsDo:
> OmSTONEntryReader>>entryPositionsUpTo:
> [ :readStream |
> readStream position: startPosition.
> ^ self newEntryReader
>         stream: readStream;
>         entryPositionsUpTo: endPosition ] in 
> OmBlockFileStore>>entryPositionsStartingAt:upTo:
> in Block: [ :readStream | ...
> [ ^ aBlockClosure value: readStream ] in [ :readStream |
> [ ^ aBlockClosure value: readStream ]
>         on: Error
>         do: [ :error |
>                 (OmFileStoreReadingError
>                         readingError: error
>                         on: self fileReference
>                         position: readStream position) signal ] ] in
> OmBlockFileStore(OmFileStore)>>readEntriesWith: in Block: [ ^
> aBlockClosure value: readStream ]
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> [ :readStream |
> [ ^ aBlockClosure value: readStream ]
>         on: Error
>         do: [ :error |
>                 (OmFileStoreReadingError
>                         readingError: error
>                         on: self fileReference
>                         position: readStream position) signal ] ] in
> OmBlockFileStore(OmFileStore)>>readEntriesWith: in Block: [ :readStream |
> ...
> [ aBlock value: stream ] in 
> FileReference(AbstractFileReference)>>readStreamDo:
> in Block: [ aBlock value: stream ]
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> FileReference(AbstractFileReference)>>readStreamDo:
> OmBlockFileStore(OmFileStore)>>readEntriesWith:
> OmBlockFileStore>>entryPositionsStartingAt:upTo:
> OmBlock>>refresh
> OmBlock>>checkIfMustRefreshBlock


Guille Polito

Research Engineer

Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille

CRIStAL - UMR 9189

French National Center for Scientific Research - *http://www.cnrs.fr

*Web:* *http://guillep.github.io* <http://guillep.github.io>

*Phone: *+33 06 52 70 66 13

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