> On 16 Mar 2018, at 07:05, monty <mon...@programmer.net> wrote:
>> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 4:01 PM
>> From: "Sven Van Caekenberghe" <s...@stfx.eu>
>> To: "Pharo Development List" <pharo-dev@lists.pharo.org>
>> Subject: [Pharo-dev] Executive Summary of the recent FileStream Changes
>> Executive Summary of the recent FileStream Changes
>> In Pharo 7 Guille Polito recently committed a heroic set of changes that we 
>> were planning to do for a long time but were afraid to take on.
>> The idea is to replace a couple of fat, overly complex, multi-functional, 
>> do-all classes with a set of simpler single purpose classes that can be 
>> combined as needed.
>> The classes that we want to get rid of can be found in the package 
>> DeprecatedFileSystem, in particular FileStream, StandardFileStream, 
>> MultiByteFileStream, MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream and RWBinaryOrTextStream.
> StandardFileStream, at least, should remain for backwards compatibility and 
> cross-platform compatibility with Squeak. It's a no-frills, non-decoding, 
> non-LE normalizing stream that is heavily depended on.

Hmm, maybe.

The standard (no pun intended) interface to the file system in Pharo has been 
FileSystem (FileReference) for quite a while. Many packages dealing with either 
different Pharo versions or different Smalltalk implementations have 
constructed their own portability facade (heck, I even did it in 
ZnFileSystemUtils myself).

Note however that some aspects (API, behaviour) about the streams themselves 
changed as well (no longer being bivalent, separating reading/writing, 
smaller/simpler API, sometimes no positioning).

>> The replacements are can be found in packages Files and 
>> Zinc-Character-Encoding-Core.
>> Encoding and decoding characters to and from bytes is done using classes 
>> that you wrap around a more primitive binary stream. The same goes for 
>> buffering or translating line endings.
>> For example,
>> '/Users/sven/Desktop/foo.txt' asFileReference binaryReadStream.
>> gives you a ZnBufferedWriteStream wrapping a BinaryWriteStream.
>> While,
>> '/Users/sven/Desktop/foo.txt' asFileReference readStream.
> What do you think about this algorithm for encoding detection: 
> http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2771184
> I have an implementation (with tests), if you're interested. (I was waiting 
> to propose it until the FileSystem API switched over to using Zn streams and 
> encoders. The TextConverter API doesn't support UTF-32.)

I did a primitive one in ZnCharacterEncoding class>>#detectEncoding: but I am 
not happy with it. I will read your reference and I am certainly interested in 
seeing your code !

>> gives a ZnCharacterReadStream wrapping a ZnBufferedWriteStream wrapping a 
>> BinaryWriteStream.
>> To translate line endings, we would wrap a ZnCharacterWriteStream using a 
>> ZnCrPortableWriteStream.
>> There are a couple of more specialised streams to cover special cases (like 
>> read and writing at the same time).
>> SocketStream remains another fat, overly complex, multi-functional, do-all 
>> class, for which usable replacements exist in the form of ZdcSocketStream 
>> and ZdcSecureSocketStream, which are simpler, cleaner and binary only.
>> Of course, switching is more than replacing one class with a 100% compatible 
>> alternative, that would give us the same complex result. The challenge is to 
>> use a simpler API as well, to rethink how the streams are used. You know, 
>> KISS.
>> Of course, we are far from done and need more testing, debugging and help 
>> from as many people as possible.
>> Sven
>> --
>> Sven Van Caekenberghe
>> Proudly supporting Pharo
>> http://pharo.org
>> http://association.pharo.org
>> http://consortium.pharo.org

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